Castellano vs. Español

Information about some of the differences between the Castillian Spanish of Spain (Castellano) and Latin American Spanish (Español).

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Weather in Spain

An overview of the weather in Spain, including information on Spanish weather by season, region, and major city. Also learn about the author's favorite times and places to be in Spain.

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Counting Your Days in (and Outside of) Spain

One of the unexpectedly important yet seemingly trivial tasks for expats is tracking your presence both in Spain and elsewhere as a means to determine tax obligations and meet residency requirements. Learn how to count your days, confirm the requirements for your residency situation, and review the technologies available to help you.

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The Best Ways to Learn Spain’s Other Languages

Ideas and resources to help you learn or improve your knowledge of the Basque, Catalan, Galician, and Valencian languages.

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Spain Returns to the Peseta

What would happen in a worst case scenario and Spain were to return to the Peseta? Is this even likely?

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The Languages of Spain: More Than Spanish

A look at the variety of languages in Spain (including Basque, Catalan, Galician, and Valencian), the status of official languages in Spain, and how to say some simple phrases in these languages.

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