How a Canadian couple moved to Spain and found a home

Frank and Lissette moved to Spain after 6 years of slow travel around the world. Here's the story of the couple's first chapter of their new life in Spain on a nonlucrative visa: finding a home and figuring out which part of the country to settle themselves.

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Teach English in Spain: Teach Private Classes

Part 4 of 5 articles covering specific information on teaching private English classes in Spain. See our sample English teaching poster.

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Moving to Spain

Information about moving to Spain and annecdotal advice for those about to move. Moving/removal companies, different services, lists of boxes, shipping, customs, ports, valuating your goods, and getting your empadronamiento for expatriates in Spain.

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Arraigo Social: Staying Legal in Spain When All Else Fails

Information about obtaining permission to stay in Spain through arraigo social (social ties) or arraigo laboral (economic ties), including what this means, eligibility requirements and application procedures.

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Start a Business in Spain

Essential steps, tips and practical advice to start a business in Spain.

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Spanish Traffic Accident Reports

This article is about the correct way to fill the Traffic accident Report form in the event of a road accident. You might find it useful to print and keep with you in the car.

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