Voting in Spain

Voting as a foreigner: Who can vote in Spain's elections and how to register to vote. Voting from abroad: Who can and how to vote in your home country's elections.

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Cheap Flights to Spain

Information about cheap flights and airlines that service Spain. There are many options and potential pitfalls; we provide information based on our personal experience about flying to Spain, and a note about flying into Spain and your legal status.

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TIE, NIE, DNI, NIF, CIF, Social Security

Information on getting your TIE, NIE, social security number and other forms of identification for expat residents of Spain.

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Counting Your Days in (and Outside of) Spain

One of the unexpectedly important yet seemingly trivial tasks for expats is tracking your presence both in Spain and elsewhere as a means to determine tax obligations and meet residency requirements. Learn how to count your days, confirm the requirements for your residency situation, and review the technologies available to help you.

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Registering as a Non EU Spouse in Spain

Information about how to get a residence and work visa in Spain as a non EU Spouse.

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Public Healthcare in Spain

Information on public health care in Spain and how to get access to it.

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