Question about my rental contract
Posted: 06 January 2009 05:32 PM  
Total Posts:  58
Joined  2007-05-16

Hi all 😊

Since my Spanish is not SOOOOO good, I’m gonna put a piece of my contract here and see if you can help me out please…

““La duraci?n del presente contrato de arrendamiento ser? de UN A?O, a contar desde el d?a 01 de Julio de 2007. Seg?n lo dispuesto en el articulo 9, de no mediar comunicaci?n escrita el contrato se considerar? t?cticamente renovado por anualidades, hasta alcanzar el periodo m?ximo de 5 a?os.
Una vez cumplido el primer a?o de contrato que se considera de obligado cumplimiento el arrendatario podr? formular renuncia por scrito con un plazo m?nimo de 60 d?as de antelaci?n del plazo pactado en cualquiera de sus prorrogas legales.”

Now..does this mean I have a 60 days notice period before I can terminate this contract? Or doe this mean I have to write a leter at least 60 days before the 1st of July 2009?

Many thanks for your help



Posted: 06 January 2009 05:52 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  760
Joined  2006-06-27

From an online translator:

The duration of the present contract of lease will be ONE YEAR, starting from July 01, 2007. According to the arranged in the article 9, of written communication does not come up the contract it will be considered to be tactically renewed by annuities, up to reaching the maximum period of 5 years.
As soon as there was fulfilled the first year of contract that is considered of forced fulfillment the lodger will be able to formulate resignation for scrito with a minimal term of 60 days of advance of the term agreed in any of his legal extensions.

Take legal advice but I think you need to give 60 days notice.


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Posted: 06 January 2009 05:56 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  58
Joined  2007-05-16

Many thanks Rob.

I also understand I have to give a 60 days notice, but i’m not sure if for example a write a letter now, I can leave this place in March? Or does it mean I have to give at least a 60 days notice before the 1st of July 2009 and leave on the last day of June.

Posted: 11 January 2009 05:51 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  112
Joined  2008-09-06

It means that you can write the letter the 1st of any month, and leave after 60 days. ie: you write the (registered) letter on Feb 1st ... you can leave the flat on March 31st
