Moving to spain with horses
Posted: 14 December 2008 04:59 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2008-12-14

Hi everyone 😊 ,
I was thinking about moving to spain i am currently living in france and have and breed horses.
I am looking to get any advice from people with horses that have already moved things like how your horses cope with living in spain, how easy/ hard is it to find hay/ straw and horse feed.
Also because i breed what is it like is it like france where you have the Haras Nationaux (all horses have to be registered with them and its who you get your foals passports from).
Also how easy is it to compete in spain and are there mant competions held and what sort of area.
I was looking at around granada sort of area (sorry that really narows it down for you “not” :red:).

And if i were to set up a stud in spain do you think there would be any intrested in a coloured Gypsy cob stallion and his foal (also coloured) who if i end up keeping i will also use as a stallion both have got brilliant breeding and my GC stallion is a fully registered stallion in france.
Moving to spain is still in the thought stage right now but i am trying to get as much good advice as i can so that i don’t go draging them (horses) down to spain then finding out all the bad things about keeping horses in spain after.
Do any of you know of any good websites that might have some good info about keeping horses in spain i have tried looking on the internet but i carn’t seem to find any good horsey sites for spain. 

Many thanks in advance for your help 💋

Posted: 31 December 2008 02:00 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2008-12-27

Sorry cant help as not in Spain yet just thinking about it, but try as they have a spainish section on the forum

Posted: 12 January 2009 11:34 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  18
Joined  2008-12-03

hi sorry i have only just noticed this message,i have owned horses here in spain.i live in the almeria area not too far from granada and i have bought some fantastic horses in that area spanish andalucians and crossbreeds,i think there would be a bit of interest in your stallion too,as regards feeding we use packa here for straw and it is very good and about 3 euro a bale at the moment,feed is usually a mix bought from a supplier there are plenty to choose from here as there are plenty of horses ,anyway that usually cost about 8 to 10 euro per sack,i would say that on average it cost about 15 euro per week to keep a horse here in spain,thats including your feed water and spreading the cost of shoeing which you can get done for 40 to 60 euro for all four,,as for the breeding side of it i have only ever had one foal and it didnt need to be registerd as it was a crossbreed..if ever you come to this area i can show around loads of different horse dealers from gypsies to people that sell top of the range horses anything from 500euros up to 500,000euros depends on what you are looking for,but as regards granada you are certainly looking in the right sort of area,i also used to transport horses to and from the uk so if i can be of any further help to you then please email me direct .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)            regards mark…........
