Driving in Spain - ITV
Posted: 24 November 2008 10:49 PM  
Total Posts:  166
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Hola Everyone

Our car is due out of the garage tomorrow after having it’s pre ITV.

I wondered if someone here would be kind enough to tell me how we take the car for an ITV, can you believe it is our first time after living here 10 years!

We have always had cars that didn’t need them yet or hire cars, blah de blah 😉

The garage assures it will now pass an ITV, I understand we need to make an appointment for the ITV, we live in Monda so I am guessing that Malaga will be the right place to go?

Cheers in advance

Fruity 😊


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Posted: 25 November 2008 11:12 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  48
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Hi Fruity

There are ITV stations all over the place and a while ago you could just turn up and join the queqe but you now have to have an appointment. There is a central phone number which the guy at the garage will have and you choose your centre and phone for an appointment. If you Spanish is at all dodgy the ITV centre in Malaga on the Poligono behind Santa Barbara (Urende etc) have a few men who speak English although I have never been there myself as we use the Antequera ITV station.
If it is the same process as in Antequera, you go into the office with the paperwork (permisso & ficha technico) and once they know you have arrived you sit in the car and your matricula is called over a tannoy along with the lane number you should attend. In Antequera you stay in the car and put your foot on the brake pedal and wiggle the wheel when directed to, the car passes along about 5 different ‘stations’ within the building with each section checking something different on the car, seatbelt & lights, emissions, steering etc etc, if it passes you go to the office and collect you window sticker if it fails you get a form stating why and you go away to try again another day.
Unlike in the UK a car can pass with minor defects, these are shown on the white sheet which comes back to you and you go away and get it sorted PDQ in case you get stopped by the Guardia!  When we first went it seemed they checked the seatbelts and lights, counted the wheels and gave us a sticker but it is a tad more stringent now.

‘Tis simple, once you have been once you will be an expert!
Regards Lizzielogs

Posted: 25 November 2008 02:24 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  166
Joined  2007-07-25

Hola Lizzielogs

Like all things “simple” in Spain I have no doubts this will be a day affair and it will go horribly wrong! LOL

I will ask the garage what our local ITV station is, get the number and go from there, I am sure my Spanish is good enough that I can make an appointment.

Thanks so much for your advice and help and I will report back when and if we manage it 😉



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Posted: 25 November 2008 09:17 PM   [ # 3 ]  
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Tis exactly as lizzielogs said.
Procedures are standardised throughout Andalucia.
Had my ITV check done a couple of months ago in Granada.

Point of intrerest;
If you have fitted blue headlight bulbs when the originals were white thats a fail item; also make sure that orange indicator bulbs are still orange and that the laquer on them hasnt burned off to leave a white bulb behind; another fail item…
Also if you have a towbar fitted make sure its mentioned on the Ficha Technica. If its not and you have one thats another fail item.

Lack of knowledge of the Spanish Language neednt be a concern. The inspection team will make it obvious to you what they want you to do.



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Posted: 25 November 2008 09:34 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  166
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Hola Foxbat

Thanks for the heads up and advice, I will check these items before we go for an ITV to make sure there are all as you have said.

Happ Tuesday

Fruity 😊


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Posted: 25 November 2008 09:40 PM   [ # 5 ]  
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No problem. Good Luck on Tuesday!
Its nice to find someone who is actually complying with Spanish Traffic Law and not driving on Brit plates illegally…!


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Posted: 25 November 2008 09:49 PM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  166
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LOL, I have not had a British plated car for 9 years and that was a company car so not totally my fault either 😉

All I have to do now is change the papers and we are ready to rock and roll, wooo hooo 😊


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Posted: 26 January 2009 09:43 PM   [ # 7 ]  
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As stated earlier when its ITV time the car must be in its original ex-works condition.
So if the manufacturer fitted W-rated tyres as original equipment then these are considered to be standard fit.

The V rating is a speed rating and equates to a max continuous speed of 230kms/hr.
The W rating equates to a max continuous speed of 270Kms/hr

It seems a stupid thing to quibble about given that both of these max speeds are well in excess of Spains highest speed limit but as I found out with my blue headlight bulbs the ITV authorities can be very finicky about it.

Its not as if they have any particular axe to grind; unlike the UK where MOT centres are independent, ITV centres are State run.
It might be worth a quick trip ahead of time to the ITV centre and ask them politely whether or not the tyres are acceptable.
Just a suggestion…


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Posted: 26 January 2009 10:23 PM   [ # 8 ]  
Total Posts:  166
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Finally the car’s work has been completed and the car is now in our name - wooot!

I have another strange question regarding an ITV, paperwork and tyres, we have been told by the garage that our paperwork says 91W with reference to the tyres, however, the car is running on 91V and we have been told that we will NOT pass an ITV with different tyres to what the paperwork says, we are confused - why does this matter, the tyres are 15 R 91V, now we can get cheaper tyres 91V than the garage is selling us for (scrap yard ?30 vs garage ?65 per tyre)

Do we really need to worry about tyres just to pass an ITV, surely if the tyres are good and fit the car what difference does it make about the V vs W?

In a quandry 😉


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Posted: 26 January 2009 10:41 PM   [ # 9 ]  
Total Posts:  48
Joined  2007-04-19

For every ITV we have ever taken our car or our bike to we have only ever had the impression that the count the wheels and glance at the tread… I wouldn’t worry at all!!

Posted: 26 January 2009 11:06 PM   [ # 10 ]  
Total Posts:  818
Joined  2006-06-15

Might also be worth a look in your Owners Manual;
Different versions of the same vehicle can and do quite frequently have different tyres quoted.
If your owners manual specifies V-rated tyres for your make model and variant you may be able to convince the ITV authorities.
Also might be worth having a word with your local main agent about the legalities of the tyre type you have fitted…
There again as Lizzielogs said they might just check the tread wear…you never can tell…


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