Driving to Spain from Calais
Posted: 28 January 2009 11:37 PM  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  27
Joined  2008-10-30

Has anyone done the drive to Alicante from Calais, my parents want to drive down in thier motorhome but have been told they have to drive through the pyrenees mountains, someone has told them they would be mad to do it this time of year feb/march as they would get snowed in and stuck! Surely there is a clear road through the mountains on the east coast. but has anyone done this journey and whats it like?

Posted: 29 January 2009 02:13 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  306
Joined  2007-09-24

We did this journey between Christmas and New Year, and came down the satnav/google earth recommended (ie shortest) route right across the middle of France, motorway but very high altitude and it was hairy enough in a landrover - would NOT have fancied it in a motorhome!  We had to cut short our journey and stay in a motel as the road ahead was closed!

There is a slightly longer route via Limoges we have since been recommended that doesnt get so high up and should be a lot less likely to be snowy, but I would suggest careful checking of weather forecasts, and also breaking it into at least 3 days - we did it in 2 but 3 would have been better!  That route would be a bit longer but surely safer,

Maya x



Posted: 29 January 2009 04:53 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  27
Joined  2008-10-30

Thanks alot Maya, will tell mom and dad to take the long route, they wont be in any hurry anyway! Bev

Posted: 29 January 2009 02:12 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  306
Joined  2007-09-24

A pleasure Bev,

I just checked and its the A75 that they *don’t* want to go on, if there’s any likelihood of ice and snow.  The views are amazing, you go over the Millau Viaduct etc, just very scary when it’s that cold!  We found the motorways to be well gritted and reasonably well cleared - followed a snow plough for miles at one point as that seemed the safest thing to do we certainly weren’t about to overtake it - but the sliproads and hard shoulders are icerinks..!




Posted: 29 January 2009 10:01 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  156
Joined  2007-06-11

HI I have done this several times, (at various times of the year) In a 7.5T lorry using both the east and west routes, I have to say the easiest route( if slightly longer) was definitely the western route down through,  LE Havre Bordeax, San Sebastian, Madrid and across to Alicante This was almost all at a level drive,  and motorway,, the other route I have used on occasion goes down via Toulouse, Perpignan and Barcelona, and involves quite a long trek uphill/downhill and at the time although it wasnt blocked the route was icy snowy and relative hazardous,



Posted: 30 January 2009 06:28 AM   [ # 5 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  18
Joined  2008-12-03

hi i am a lorry driver and that i know means nothing we do not always know best,but if i were coming down this time of the year and had my choice,i would come as the 7.5 ton driver said down through perpignan and barcelona it takes a bit longer and there are a few more tolls but it is the best route i think,so for me definately calais,lille,paris,lyon,perpignan, cross the border at la jonquera barcelona,and down into valencia to alicante,..........................................in the summertime for your parents the other route for the veiws most definately but it can be cold snowy and dangerous at this time of year…but wish them luck on their journey anyway….
oh as for the summersierras i as a fit 40yr old would not like to break down or encounter any problems at this time of year what with the freezing temps and the high alttitudes,not good for anybody especailly older folk
