Hotel Job required and advise please??....
Posted: 27 January 2009 07:46 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2009-01-27

Hello all!

I would like to work in a hotel in Spain and wondered if anyone could give me a bit of advise on the situation.

Basically i know its the credit crunch and all,but would it be a good idea to leave a secure job at this time to go work abroad?

Id like to go work in a hotel in spain, reservations, customer service/ focused based and to learn the language too.

Can anyone advise if this would be a good idea to do this at this current climate state and just advise a bit futehr on some job web sites, ive been looking at a few on google and going from there….

Any help/ advise would be appreciated.


Posted: 28 January 2009 02:56 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

try some off the group hotel companys in spain


Posted: 28 January 2009 03:17 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  303
Joined  2006-03-16
sammysyrett - 27 January 2009 07:46 PM

would it be a good idea to leave a secure job at this time to go work abroad?

No.  If you manage to find work in Spain you’ll get long hours, low pay, little if any security, and you’ll have to speak fluent Spanish.  If you have a great reason to be in Spain go for it.  But if you enjoy your “secure job”, leave it until things pick up.


Martin, Scotland and the Alpujarra.

Posted: 06 February 2009 11:39 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  12
Joined  2008-07-23

Hi there Sammy,

If I were you, I’d not leave your secure job in the UK, not at the moment. As Martin has mentioned, the hours are long, the pay is pathetic and you’ll be so tired you won’t get to enjoy the sun!

I’ve been in Barcelona for 2 years working in tourism and hospitality and I’m seriously considering going home as there are no jobs here. For example, check out a receptionist job in a hotel and for one vacancy there are like 700 applicants. The situation is bad and you won’t be entitled to unemployment benefit until you’ve worked at least a year.

I love Spain but there are many unethical things in the work place and far too many enchufes!

I hope this has helped!

All the best with whatever you do.
