External UMTS antenna
Posted: 15 April 2009 02:30 AM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2009-04-15


I live in village, where the signal of my mobile network is very low and therefore I have a poor quality connection to the Internet via HSDPA modem. Can someone tell me if externat antenna such as this http://www.bestpartner.biz/index.php?kategorie=10 can help me?

Posted: 15 April 2009 02:51 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

I have seen these all over my parents Village in Galicia when they live out on the sticks! they work fine Reading the spec It seems to do the job? Cheap too…

Or are you a person thats wanting to look at the Website to advertise it?

I am never can be sure Especially COPYING PART OF MY NAME!

Posted: 15 April 2009 03:08 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

where you living and your antenna indoors put beside a windown .... not on the ground beside you pc , there waste off time what you looking at ... you want some think that going two work you need to spend 250 euros ... i put this antenna up towers across spain and Eu for radio networks , water and lighting are what brake pcs

1 move you pc frist two windown look at the networks and get you level frist befor spending any money
2 Antenna you talking about is prone to winds and shift alot , get some who know how two install it right with loop for water .
3 ground it aswell if you in hills lighting will hit near and travel to you antenna taking out 1 pc and side off you house you elecs are burn your house down

over the weekend we seen some 140 hits on some mast we work . thanks i wasnt around

Posted: 15 April 2009 03:16 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

for got tell you .. Point-to-Point . you have two be dead on with brodcast mast

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