Other Western Economies’ Crisises
Posted: 16 April 2009 12:52 AM  
Total Posts:  1682
Joined  2005-12-05

Things are getting better in the US and Canada. Jobs are still going to be shed, but in some of the tougher parts of the country like NYC, SF, Seattle, Austin, etc, things are certainly slowing and even showing signs of improvement (there are definitely companies hiring and getting great people at a good price). Canada’s banking sector is the strongest in the world and continues to be able to loan more money than anywhere else. With oil prices back above $45 it will keep the country stable. That said, both have stinky housing sectors, which probably won’t change any time soon as the advocates for urbanization and anti-sprawl make headway, screaming for “European-style metros” and “down with the car culture”. That means the suburbs are going to continue to be see a decline, which is where most of the houses are. I’d buy a 12 unit apartment in the city centre about now…

The stock markets are great leading indicators as they have self-fulfilling properties. Both the TSE and Dow are up 25% in the last 6 weeks or so.

By the way, I’ve heard the next bubble will be the Green Energy bubble. All aboard!

How are some of the Scandinavian economies weathering the storm? Any other countries we have connections to?


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Posted: 16 April 2009 01:22 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

Yeap The next thing is certainly going to be The “Green Bubble” 

Lets see what happens when another Inventor designs an Engine that runs on “Sea Water” Like the late 1980s Early 1990s.. Only inventor then was never found and all his plans Destroyed!
I have noticed that my families Home village in Galicia has many Windmills Electric Generators which is good and the local school using solar panels for Electric

Yeap things are Picking up In The US my Employer posted slight increase in profits on the Dow Jones But some job loss’s in the Development side Due to slow down in property (That Will Pick Up In Time As Banks Will Re-Invest In Cheaper Land & Property Known As “Swings and Roundabouts”)

Things are looking up In US but still some caution as there still is not enough private investors “Investing” As still some companies are Showing profit After Government Bail out monies given…

Lets hope this Positive stimulus gets to Europe!

