Land with permissions to build
Posted: 20 April 2009 01:45 PM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2009-04-20


I have recently been looking around on the Internet, specifically for some land in Spain.  We only need a couple of acres and do not require electriity to start.

The idea is to use it to camp on (we have a campervan), and then maybe eventually build on it.  Now we have noticed that there is lots of land for sale and that the estate agents suggest that it would be good to camp or motorhone - mobilehome etc.  However we have also noticed that some of these percels of land (slightly more expensive), suggest that the land in question has permissions to build (certain size).

Now I have a couple of questions.

Would these permissions be actually granted on paper or is this related to certain areas of Spain and automatic permissions?

and if they are granted on paper how long do they last? As we would build for 3 years.

Here is an example listing:

Thnaks in advance

Posted: 20 April 2009 02:14 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  303
Joined  2006-03-16

The link you’ve given is for a place in Teruel, Aragon.  I don’t know the area but following my experience in Granada (also within a national park) I’d say it’s absolutely essential that you get expert advice relevant to your province, community and local conservation status. In our village for example you can only build on the footprint of a previously existing building, so you’re effectively re-building ruined property.  You have to use traditional materials and finishes on the exterior, visible parts of the house. Architects plans have to be approved by the provincial authorities, and then faithfully adhered to.  The casual attitude you’ll encounter from some Spaniards is dangerous, because while sometimes they can get away with ignoring the rules, many times you can’t.


Martin, Scotland and the Alpujarra.

Posted: 20 April 2009 02:33 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2009-04-20

Thanks for that Martin

Funny I know a Martin that moved to where you are in Spain

So I would need to find out the rules for that particular area and will take your advice when it concerns the Spanish attitude to the “Rules”

Thanks again

Posted: 22 April 2009 10:13 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  156
Joined  2007-06-11

As with all things associated wtih Land and Houses in Spain, great great care needs to be taken,

Nothing by word is valid, land in National parks or indeed in a lot of the campo will not get permission for building, There are usually very strict criteria on plot size for example where I live the minimum is 10,000 Sq meters. And the land has to be part of the Plano Urbano, which has already been submitted and approved by the regional authority( a good starting point for the building rules in any particular case NB REGIONAL NOT LOCAL authority)
Virtually every area has its own rules, and there are many cases of complete builds going up, with supposedly all permissions only to be knocked down due to some form of error or hokey pokey at the town hall.. ( The case in Albox recently springs to mind!!). Confirming planning at regional level is a must.

on top of that there is also a string of requirements before you can move onto the land,  REMEMBER, the most important building material in Spain is Paper, ( IE the licences and permissions needed to proceed, I think we posted a list somewhere before on this site, but have a copy if you require.

This is clearly an area where only good quality expert professional INDEPENDENT advice will do before you part with a penny.


