I mention this to someone yesterday…
My advise to anyone that wants “Paro” Or “Dole Money…
Go to ELM or “Officina de Empleyo” Take “ALL” your Personal Documents Passport Birth Certificate DNI NIE Number of Social Security with you (Consider Taking a Blood Sample As This maybe next One day) and make sure you have suitable footware just in case they pass you to one office to another!
When your IN the ELM or Officina De Empleyo Take a tkt and wait your turn (If you do not speak Spanish you be in trouble so take someone who does!) once at the desk explain what help you can get if you have been working for years or months you may be untitled to something if no work you maybe entitled to something else.
Once you have been Accepted for Paro or What ever other thing they offer You be offered courses and Job interviews
Good luck and remember GO EXTREMLY EARLY some offices have a cue that is long as a village or a high street and they close at 1400pm in some areas
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!