has anyone seen any jobs for Architects qualified in the UK
Posted: 25 April 2009 09:58 PM  
Total Posts:  80
Joined  2009-04-23

blablal blabl bla bla bla pepepepeppeppepe

Posted: 25 April 2009 10:34 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

Do what ever you can My EX Boss is FRUIT PICKING… but it pays his rent and his bills. Until something comes up..
I sent you a list of jobsites.. There some listed on here in Job section…

Just do what ever comes along alot of Expats are doing odd jobs… Mostly everything down south Spain is Word by mouth for odd bits.

Posted: 25 April 2009 10:48 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  80
Joined  2009-04-23

bla bla bla bla bla bla bla eppepepepepeeppepepeppep

Posted: 25 April 2009 11:18 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

I would Wait A while for “start hitting the profesional job market” as thats gone for at least another year…

Remember for every job you apply for Think of the 4.2 million behind you :-(

The other day… In Galicia there was a Porters job in Galicia over 1000 applicants lined up for the application…

Desperate Times…

However you have a Brucie bonus as your misses is “Spanish/Spanglish” she can help you learn Spanish This important to blend in also earn respect from the Spanish for learning there language…..

I ask you like I ask all my English Friends and Family… If a Native “Spanard” went to UK lets say Kent.. And spoke Spanish in a shop in Maidstone and didnt speak a word of English… do you think anyone would help or have the patience? Things like this makes you think twice…

Good luck I know it work out… Just ride the downs and ups and role with the punches.. (Excuse the Pun) 😉


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