Good day! thank you very much for your time..
but the problem is, my grandmother wasn’t able to get a Social security system here in the Philippines. Since she was always out of the country working she doesn’t got the chance to be part on that benefit here in the Philippines.
and i have another question, i have read The new 2007 legislation Law on Social Security Measures, (Law 40/2007 December
4th,2007); it will enter into force in January 1st, 2008. and according to that; people entering the system after 1967, the possibility for partial pensions starts from the age of 61 (instead of 60). Thus, the minimum age to access this early retirement option is postponed by 1 year, deferring new partial pensions (as the probability of retirement is high at the earliest
possible pension age).
- Increase in the minimum working hours of the partial retiree that must be reduced between 25% and 75% (instead of 85%). Another employee must replace the remaining working hours left by the partial pensioner, and
now with more similar social contributions, helping the system financing2
1 The possibility of combining a partial pension receipt and a part-time job.
2 The contribution base of the new worker must be 65% or more for the previous contribution base of the partial retiree.
-30 years of contributions are required instead of the former 15.
- The partial retiree worker must have been 6 years or more with the last
—- are this really true? if yes does it mean my grand mother doesn’t have the possibility to claim for her pensions??
Thank you ver much, God bless..