Universal Removals
Posted: 02 May 2009 02:29 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2009-05-02

Please do yourself a favour and DO NOT use a company called Universal Removals to move your furniture and belongings from the UK/Ireland to Spain. I used their service and the following should be noted
(1) Some of my belongings went missing in transit
(2) Some of my valuable belongings were broken in transit
(3) I was not kept informed of when I could expect the delivery - I eventually got a call to tell me that they were waiting outside my flat and could I open the door for them ( 3 months after collecting the stuff )
(4) Universal Removals do not have insurance and they will not entertain any complaints - they just want their money and that’s it .

Universal Removals are con artists and you would be well advised to stay clear of them unless you want a whole lot of expense and trouble.


Posted: 02 May 2009 03:27 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

Well there based in the UK according to there website…
you can do these things to claim back the loss of items.

1) Stolen/Missing Goods You must & Them must of made a List of what you had and they must of signed it. (If Not Then?) You can report the items stolen as The Company had your items in there care.

2) Damaged goods Again you can make a claim against them (Civil Proceedings In The UK) also report them to trading Standards.

3) inform that your taking this to the press trust me Today With “La Crisis” the press would have a field day.

4) Payment form? if you payed by Paypal or Credit Card you can reverse the Payment (As Long as You have proved that the items damaged missing broken etc)

Good Luck!

ME personally would inform the cops see what they can do… They by law have to follow up if you have a case there might be outstanding cases against the firm…. Also UK police also inform overseas law if there is something to go on…

Posted: 02 May 2009 03:36 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

ringo hi there sorry two hear that , where you moving two ?

Posted: 07 May 2009 01:58 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  63
Joined  2008-10-24

I am wondering the answer of Ringo.
Always nice to hear both sides of the story.
