Advice needed on how to claim unemployment benefits in Spain
Posted: 15 April 2009 05:18 PM  
Total Posts:  36
Joined  2008-03-19

Hi all,

Well this is a turn-around, at the end of last week I was posting on here about what type of plants to stock our garden with and now I am unemployed!

ps. We bought lots of plants as well! Typical huh!

Anyway, I have lived in Spain (San Pedro de Alcantara, Marbella) for around 8 1/2 years, and have nearly always been a full working resident, so I believe that I am entitled to ‘the dole’ ...... we will need the money but am more concerned about getting my social security paid….

Please can anyone help me? As I have no idea about how to go about signing on!


Posted: 15 April 2009 05:38 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

Sorry to here you no longer working but as time will go on it be the norm that peeps will lose there jobs as “La Crisis” is out of control and no one good enough to control it!!!!

As long as your work were paying your tax and NI you should be fully entitled to “PARO”

You need to go to the “Oficina de Empleo” Take along with you work contract Payslips and Your Personal details IE Passport Social Security Number And your DNI number (Green Piece of A4 Paper)

In Marbella they more likely speak little English but I know doubt you can speak Spanish Casi Perfecto?

When you give them all your details they will work out how much money you can get from the “PARO” and they also can offer you Free courses that they have on offer…

If you want a list of jobsites PM me and I list some for you..

Good Luck 😊

Posted: 15 April 2009 07:19 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  36
Joined  2008-03-19


Thank you so much for your help, I didn’t have a clue where to start!

I don’t even know anyone who has received benefits in Spain before!

Thank you


Posted: 15 April 2009 07:23 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

I did Once!!! and yeap It was a nightmare at 1st… especially the ammount of documents they want I will advise you to take your blood type and TAKE EVERYTHING WITH YOU!!!!!
But once you are in You dont have to sign back on for 4 to 6 months…. 😊

Good Luck let me know if you have any issues be pleased to help… oh Take you trainers just in case they make you go to office to office there REALLY REALLY good with that !!!!


Posted: 15 April 2009 08:00 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  36
Joined  2008-03-19

Great am really looking forward to it!

Posted: 20 May 2009 05:54 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  36
Joined  2008-03-19

Hi all,

Just a quick up-date…

Luckily as my address is under San Pedro, I was able to go to the benefits office in San Pedro, which I can imagne was a lot calmer than it would have been in Marbella!

There were 2 queues, the first one was to process me….they wanted to see my residencia and the company certificate (a piece of paper that I was given from my ex-employer, it had the dates that I worked for the company clearly listed)....

They didn’t need to see any nominas (pay-slips) or any other proof of work within the last 6 years (all social security info was on their computers), or my original work contract, or the final paperwork (I had to sign a piece of paper that basically said that I understand that my contrcat has not been renewed so all ties with this compnay are finished), or the paperwork that goes with the severence pay, or the padron, or my passport…... So no wonder, I was the only one with a huge file under my arm! But ts better to be safe than sorry as they say!

After processing I had to take a number (this can be done previously to hurry things along), and was given a form to fill in…. the form requested the normal personal info, full name, address etc. and my bank details….I was also given a slip of paper which contained my signing-on info…..

Then when my number was called, they processed the form and that was that! I have no idea how much I will get and I have no idea when I will get it!

I hope that this helps people inthe future 😊
