Urgent Rumor… Whisper But does effect Owners of Propertys that rent!
Posted: 24 May 2009 11:20 PM  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

The Other Day I was informed that there is a hush hush secret law being passed about Rent Tax (People Who Rent Homes etc)

This would be in line with most of Europe UK HOLLAND ETC….

Threshold of tax is around ?450 a month after that Iva or Tax is to be added…

Banks caused a fuss in 2007 (Was In The News but was forgotten about) that many people rent there property etc and do not pay a higher mortgage rate etc..

If or even IF!!!!!! this is true and does get passed by royal decree… This would not affect Tennants only landlords/ladies they foot the tax bill!.

This could work either way price of rent could come down… or sky rocket…

You heard it here first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted: 30 May 2009 08:40 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  194
Joined  2009-05-28

I work with a legal firm that specialises in property issues. I haven’t heard anything about this. It would have quite an effect on the rental market if true. I wiill see if I can find anything out.
The Spanish Government is anti-rental because the rental market is in direct competition with the mortgage industry; the builders, banks and lending houses. This is why the law is weighed against property owners renting their properties out. It is the reason why so many properties are locked up.


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Posted: 30 May 2009 08:52 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

Well it was on the News Yesterday and last year also in 2007 that there having a Debut about it in Parliment after summer Break…

If it does come law I AM ALL FOR IT!!!

There are cases were landlords are profiting 5 times there mortgage payments a month….

This will also bring more legalisation “Rights” for tennants… they would also bring in a “Tzar” or “Watchdog” which they need in Spain to over see it.

Fingers crossed


Posted: 03 June 2009 02:49 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  194
Joined  2009-05-28

I did ask my solicitor colleague. He says it was news to him, but he would check it out. Watch this space. He has by the way just had published an article on long term rental problems. It was very revelatory.
The reason people aren’t too keen to rent their properties out is because the law is very heavily weighted in favour of the tenant. The reason why the laws are skewered? Because the rental market is in direct competition with developers, and the banks.
The wealth of the latter of course is based on mortgage related ‘services’; fees and interest rates. If everyone rented banks would for the large part cease to exist; they would be superfluous to requirements. We can’t have that can we? :o(


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Posted: 03 June 2009 05:02 AM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

will in the grap vine .... the published article could put up here nice to read it


Posted: 03 June 2009 11:56 AM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  194
Joined  2009-05-28

Mike Walsh

The shortage of mortgages has created a dramatic slowdown in the real estate buying and selling market. Buyers are denied access to credit which until recently was waved through. This is fuelling demand for rental properties.
For those letting properties this situation has improved their potential. There is a growing demand for properties at affordable prices; properties that three years ago would have been impossible or difficult to let.
Ironically this market has not reached its potential due to anachronistic legislation and judicial inertia in Spain?s legal system. The protection of banking interests must also carry much of the responsibility. 
Current legislation weighs heavily in favour of the tenant, not the property owner. For instance any contract longer than a year implies that the tenant can stay up to five years if he or she wants to.
Inspired by concerns for social justice this may have been reasonable in the past. Problems arise when unscrupulous tenants, often with professional zeal, take advantage of judicial inertia; settling into property and then decide to stop paying the agreed rent.
The dilemma for the property owner is that he or she cannot summarily evict squatters. They need to hire a solicitor and file an eviction claim.
Cutting access to utilities; water and electricity is not the answer. To do so makes the property owner vulnerable for this can be construed as a crime of coercion. No responsible solicitor will ever advise that course of action.
There are occasions when eviction claims can be satisfied reasonably quickly; say within four months. However you can be stuck with irresponsible tenants withholding rent for up to a year.
With this lack of legal protection and security no wonder home owners prefer to take their properties off the rental market. ?It is a well intentioned social initiative that has been turned into a tenant?s protection racket.? Says Michael McLaughlin of southerncomfit.com.
It doesn?t get better for property owners. When the judicial procedure is complete and unscrupulous tenants finally abandon the property it will be virtually impossible to recover unpaid rent or put repairs right as tenants rarely have assets to pursue. As a consequence the housing crisis becomes more acute.
For both owners and tenants the problem is further aggravated as landlords become more demanding when taking up tenant references. Commonplace is not only to ask for deposits and payroll, but to even require bank guarantees.
In effect genuine tenants are paying the price of a minority who have abused obsolete housing legislation made worse by the inefficiency and inertia of the Spanish legal system.
Solicitors know, especially those with long experience in real estate matters, that some measures should be taken by the Spanish government to alleviate matters. First to go should be the mindset that all tenants are poor and all landlords rich.
That legislation should primarily protect tenants belongs to the agriculture past of Spain. Social change has led to tenants who are often better placed financially than the property owners. They choose to rent simply as a means of maintaining job, social or educational mobility. 
Once outdated ideas that inspired current legislation are changed we can move to a more socially equitable system. The first should be the creation of a national or European public registry in which any person having abused a tenancy agreement should be filed just as it would if they had a poor credit history. Legitimate owners would then be able to check the lease records of potential tenants
Such legislation would benefit genuine tenants as property owners relax requirements for proof of reputation and good intent
Complementary to such legislation the setting up of fast track civil courts in which evictions and related judgements take place in weeks rather than up to a year. Each month?s delay is a month?s rent stolen from the property owners. It cannot be in anyone?s interest that legislation favours thieves. Inertia and justice are never compatible.
A third measure might be a national fund as with vehicle insurance; a safety net contributed to by tenancy and landlord to compensate owners in the case of extreme damage to their property caused by insolvent tenants.
Improving the rental market is essential not merely for reasons of social justice but also for sensible economic reasons. A modern economy in a global world demands mobility of labour. Such social change often makes property purchase less attractive for many.
To do so offers flexibility; a more dynamic and modern solution to the economy. If the rental market is stagnant, if empty properties proliferate because of landlords reluctance to rent, despite demand, the interests of both tenants and owners will be damaged.
Most will wonder why governments fail to adopt such practical measures. The reason has little to do with desire to protect tenants from unscrupulous landlords. It is because a healthy rental market is in direct competition to the building industry, the mortgage industry; the banks.
Clearly it is in the interests of many buyers to rent rather than buy; equally clearly it is not in the interests of the banks. A good tenant has all the benefits of ownership without the handicaps.
With more socially responsible legislation the only losers will be the banks and lending houses. The rental market undermines it so paradoxically a system put in place to protect the vulnerable is being abused to protect the powerful.
For further information or support contact Michael Walsh (0034) 965 327 259 / 622 283 580


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