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Help !!!! I am moving out of UK to Malaga !!
Posted: 23 June 2009 01:34 PM   [ # 16 ]  
Total Posts:  192
Joined  2008-03-05

I would like to know what Dani-b thinks of all these posts and if we have helped her in any way ,please post a reply.

Posted: 23 June 2009 02:32 PM   [ # 17 ]  
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MAC31 - 23 June 2009 02:13 AM

Spain has the educated People etc but no Investment to keep them here in Spain to drive the Economy…...

Rant over…


I was this morning disscussing the situation with my OH over the news that Spain intends to increase taxes as they provide there people with the best help in times of hardship and unemployment whilst having the lowest tax levels.

They need to get around the EU a bit more as there level is nowhere near EU standard.

As for the two of too Malaga, i guess there goin to find out the hard way, but taking children is borderline crazy.


“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

Posted: 24 June 2009 12:40 AM   [ # 18 ]  
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Joined  2009-06-18
pepsi - 23 June 2009 01:34 PM

I would like to know what Dani-b thinks of all these posts and if we have helped her in any way ,please post a reply.

Yes, sorry I haven’t had a chance to look till last night but the posts have been helpful! As for the last reply, no I don’t think its crazy taking the children there, my friend visits spain a great deal and totally agrees it will be the life for them, I have sorted out meetings with a few estate agents and have possibly sorted our a villa temp till I find somewhere perm, I have got money so we will be fine for quite a while and at the end of the day… you only live once so why not enjoy it?????? if it doesn’t work out then it’s not the end of the world!!! Thank you all for all the info and MAC I will post u a message as I think ur on my way of thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                          x       x       x

Posted: 24 June 2009 02:23 AM   [ # 19 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

Dani-b Feel Free to message me when ever you want!


Posted: 24 June 2009 01:05 PM   [ # 20 ]  
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Moving and Living in Spain eBook

This ebook has everything you need for your new life in Spain. From planning, moving to buying a home and…

  * Important Cities, Languages and Climate
  * Basics on Buying Property
  * Moving in and Setting up Utilities
  * Banking
  * Taxes and Cost of Living
  * Health Care and Insurance
  * How to find the right School
  * Permits and Visas
  * Daily Life… from Food and Eating to Getting in Touch with Locals

Click on the link below to get your book


Posted: 24 June 2009 04:40 PM   [ # 21 ]  
Total Posts:  5
Joined  2009-06-18

Thank you!! I will have a look at the book and get some info!!!

Posted: 24 June 2009 10:16 PM   [ # 22 ]  
Total Posts:  138
Joined  2006-11-28

I would guess all the info in this book is available on this and similar forums…for free!

Posted: 25 June 2009 04:52 PM   [ # 23 ]  
Total Posts:  738
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Dani-b - 24 June 2009 04:40 PM

Thank you!! I will have a look at the book and get some info!!!

I probably don`t write what you want to hear.

Then again i got the t shirt and I`m only trying to help without any alteria motivation.

Moving children to Spain can be complicated, its not as simple as you may assume.

Friends of ours had 7 years in Spain, children arrived at age of 6 yrs, 8 yrs.When they reached high school age the eldest had issues, they both spoke perfect Spanish but the eldest had difficulty in writing and reading.The Spanish school assumed the child was thick and as is typical in Spanish schools the less able are left to re sit years etc.

Anyway cut a long story, they returned to the UK due to work (pre crisis) it was bloody hard work before the crisis, anyway within three weeks of school in the UK the child was diagnosed with Dyslexia, the childs GCSE results are crap and now has to go through all the teaching issues again just to be able to gain poor GCSE results.

My point being that plans are always different in reality, some good, some bad.The trick is being able to limit the amount of bad.

Sure Spain is an adventure, you`ll cope fine, but what if it goes wrong, children may not be as strong to accept life`s challenges.

I`ve been involved in Spain living and workin for some 30 odd years now, i didn`t arrive on a Guiri express.

The above comments are only a small example, if i wrote evidence to back up my comments, i`d be writting for a long time.

So I`m trying to put my point accross that if i write about schools in Spain its not based on one school in one area, I have Spanish relatives who teach in Spain, in different regions and at different levels, my family also have jobs in Spain, in different regions within Spain.

So i know a lot of Spanish people and know a lot of Spain, here customs.I also worked with Expats in Spain, so I`ve come across probably ever issue you can think of.

And Expats come accross a lot of issues, more than most bargained for, even when the planned.

My main advice would be to plan a lot, then think alot, then wait till your children have at least gained an education that can be used in the UK and Spain.

Moving a child from school in Spain back to the UK can be extremly easy or difficult depending on so many factures, the teaching methods in Spain are different, so different to the UK.

An easy example is unidades, centenas, decenas, y unidades.Many children struglle not in learning these in Spain, but when they return to the UK.

The other problem chilren suffer from is spelling, although children can learn Spanish conversation far quicker than adults, all will have difficulty learning Spanish writting which is caused by sounds and spelling.

Many children need the help of Logopedics in Spain, I know my sister in law is one and our child needed one.

Now I have a bilingual child able to write and speak perfect Spanish, speak perfect english, but spells like a dyslexic and its been several years of hard work with still a poor level of english spelling.

Which will probably last many more years, so yes moving to Spain can be crazy when it comes to children, i just hope we haven`t caused her education to suffer and ultimatly effect her chances in adult life.

So yes think long and hard and when you feel you`ve got a huge headache, keep goin, your only half way there.


“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

Posted: 03 July 2009 09:29 PM   [ # 24 ]  
Total Posts:  192
Joined  2008-03-05

Totally agree with Santi.
Dont bother buying any books we did that 7 years ago and they are still sitting here,they are ok if you want practical or legal advice but for anything else they are a waste of money.All the info you need can be found on many forums by people who have been there and done it.
Good luck

Posted: 03 July 2009 09:54 PM   [ # 25 ]  
Total Posts:  50
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shaggymon - 24 June 2009 10:16 PM

I would guess all the info in this book is available on this and similar forums…for free!

No doubt but what I found is that some of the info I came across on the internet, I later found out was out of date. I think one of the best things to do though is to keep asking questions on forums like this because even if somebody gives you some out of date advice there is likely to be somebody will come along and correct them.

Posted: 05 July 2009 01:06 PM   [ # 26 ]  
Total Posts:  138
Joined  2006-11-28

That’s why I suggested using forums…

Posted: 05 July 2009 01:23 PM   [ # 27 ]  
Total Posts:  738
Joined  2008-06-23

Forget forums and the internet for info.

Anybody who decides to move to a non english speaking country with their children based on internet research is an idiot.

What you need to do is get on a plane and research on the ground, speak to people, read the job adverts etc etc when in country.

Internet is all about the money, even expat forums only excist because the more hits they get the more money they earn.

I recently found out that most if not all expat sites are run by expats and a lot of the owners/mods etc are members on other sites, as either bad posting on competition sites or poaching members to there sites.

Its in a forums interest to sugar coat the countries there discussing, but mostly Spanish forums as it a popular country and the owners of the sites find running a forum is a nice little earner, especially since most have no concept of Spanish living or culture.

Job site are the same, they constantly advertise positions that don`t excist, they tell you due to volume of applicants they cannot respond to all applicants, yep thats because the more jobs they advertise, the more hits they get and yep the more money they earn.

The internet is becoming the biggest money scam in the world.:(


“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

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