bealerDSB - 25 June 2009 05:31 PM
thats not too bad I guess..
everyone’s complaining about not getting their white sky cards from the local/english/spanish vendors right now. Is this an annual occurance that sky “do this”..
I for one will be buying locally from a good vendor - but the card new scheme sound like a nightmare..
what people do not understand is that sky have to replace somew 12 million card….and it takes time to do this.
until they get an “insert you new card” or “this is the wrong card for this set top box” message on all channels, then their new card has not even been sent out by sky yet. so there is no point in haslting the installers as they cannot make sky issue a specif new card!
secondly, if you are paying a yealy fee for the “maintenance” of the card and iuse of the agents UK address then they should issue the new card to you , via that particular installer, as part of that service. you wil be up “hits” creek if you cannot get incontcat with the instraller….and the agent has no idea who or where to send the card to.
i advise all my clients to use a uk adress they control for the sky card, and not borrow / hire one from their installer…as then you have fuill control over hte account shoudl anything happen to your vendor.
Sky and NDS (the encrytption software firm) do this every 5 years. this card change was scheduled for last year but the lauch of “freesat” delayed that whilst they sorted out whaich channels would be made free to air, which would stay free to view, and whoich would be subscription..