Posted: 30 June 2009 03:25 AM  
Total Posts:  194
Joined  2009-05-28

Why is denigration of the Spanish dream by the UK media in vogue? If only through advertising contracts it is as pro-Government as is the Iranian media? There?s an estimated 200,000 Britons fleeing Britain each year; many of them are young professionals.
This haemorrhage is costing the BBC alone ?20 million a year in lost licence fees. In the UK, direct and indirect taxes consume roughly 50 per-cent of income. An emigrating 35-year old couple, on a combined income of ?100,000 a year, will result in a revenue loss of ?1.5 million to the British government over thirty years.
There is an estimated million ex-pats living in Spain: a figure probably trebled by those living in places other than Spain. All their expenditure, with taxes, are now going to non-UK governments. 
In Britain, multiple interests are appalled at the number of customers they are losing to foreign climes. There is an imbalance too as most of those flooding in to Britain are unproductive and reliant on state aid. Those flooding out in equal numbers are taxpayers. It isn?t rocket science. Britain is heading for broke ? fast. They are desperate to plug the hole.


Unskilled Story Writers Wanted

Posted: 01 July 2009 03:06 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  818
Joined  2006-06-15

Why is denigration of the Spanish dream by the UK media in vogue?

Mike, I think you answered your own question!

The UK media, like it or not, is largely controlled by the Government and Corporations.

Together will do absolutely everything they can to stem the flow.

I am totally convinced that one of the reasons the exchange rate is taking so long to recover is a deliberate ploy on the part of the UK Government to make it more difficult for people to leave and to force people who have already left and whose income is paid in ? Sterling, to have serious second thoughts.



Help desperately needed


Posted: 01 July 2009 03:53 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19
mike_walsh - 30 June 2009 03:25 AM

Britain is heading for broke ? fast. They are desperate to plug the hole.

happen all over , not this the UK think would cheap to keep the Brits out here the back in the Uk . anyone see the uk prices ?

london price as still as hight as 2 year ago .... and rest off the citys around the uk ....  must think we made off money , whan i have two spend a night in more then one off uk hotels .... 120 GBP ha com on is there a “Recession”

still work at this hour

Posted: 01 July 2009 10:40 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  194
Joined  2009-05-28

This letter leads me to think, or to remember, that governments do not like ‘their’ people moving about. Across the Communist world, including satellite Soviet occupied nations, and China, even internal travel was discouraged. You couldn’t just go from one Russian city to another, or say Rumania to Ukraine. There was all kinds of bureacracy put in your way to make travel problematic.
Such governments are control freaks. They prefer it if, from womb to tomb, we each stayed in our own locality; worked, paid taxes   ...  and were eternally grateful for the crumbs of life.


Unskilled Story Writers Wanted

Posted: 01 July 2009 01:57 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  818
Joined  2006-06-15

My sentiments exactly…
Toe the line…
Don’t make waves…
Where peaceful protest is seen as rebellion and arguments against authority are quelled with a violent, over the top reaction.
As in Tiananmen Square so in London.
CCTV, CS Gas, Tasers, batons and airport police like latter versions of Judge Dread.
Maccy-D rejects with Yellow Jackets and their single line of conversation “You cant do that here…”

Here’s a thought; I am not in the least bit religious but I seem to recall a quote from the Bible…

“Where two or three are gathered together… I am there in the midst of them”

In Today’s society the chances are that the ‘I’ is likely to be linked to the Intelligence Services…

So much for Britain in the 21st Century.

...And ‘they’ wonder why so many want out?



Help desperately needed


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