Letter to the Press (Editor)
Posted: 01 July 2009 02:53 PM  
Total Posts:  194
Joined  2009-05-28

The Editor,
Costa Blanca News.

I suggest the recession is unfairly taking the blame for the 19 per-cent fall in tourism. Yes, people are cutting back. But to compensate for those who stay at home Spain should now attract millions who, during the boom period, opted for exotic expensive resorts. As a holiday location Spain remains best value.
The cost of flights is not an issue. Who complains at ?100 or less for a 2,000 mile air trip? However, I haven?t heard a good word said about airport procedures; airline scams, poor public transport access, and extortionate airport parking costs. Many say they would visit more often but are discouraged by airports that treat people like cattle.
There is no reason why passage through an airport should be any more onerous than an inter-city train journey. Security considerations are a cop-out. State of the art monitoring of passengers ensures each traveller?s history is minutely scrutinised long before they reach check-in. So why take knitting needles off grannies, question grand dad?s pills; contemptuously hurl after shave and perfume into containers along with bottle openers? A cattle pen culture infests airports. 
Most of us would rather visit the dentist than visit one: Staff attitudes are at best indifferent, at worst insolent. How ludicrous that we spend more time in the airport than we spend in the air. Make airports welcoming, accountable, and user friendly, and watch the tourists return. Bring back excitement to travel.
When they do so, remember that if by circumstance travellers cut back on spending, you as a service supplier should adapt too. You will get away with charging ?20 for a ?4 meal when times are good. You now you have to compete with the picnic bag and the supermarket.

Mike Walsh


Unskilled Story Writers Wanted

Posted: 01 July 2009 09:11 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  63
Joined  2008-10-24

This is indeed the say it is.
The airports are asking money for very poor services and food, you should start thinking they all have 3 michelin starts.  😉

Posted: 01 July 2009 10:15 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

mike_walsh you mak very good points there but Clav , 3 michelin starts <——that would be STARS Ja ja ja < Ha ha ah

You get better food on British Rail , yes ALC hit and miss at most times . 19 per-cent fall in tourism , it more like 25 % and we know it is .  people come here are not spending as thay would like last year . Airport figgers are down and spending at the airort is down aswell , so we see incress in airport charges in Sept i would think .... . dont for get you Briton , Irish and so you get no help thought you EU citizenship but if you immigrant every thing hand two you ....  this going on all over the EU

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