Where in Spain?
Posted: 30 June 2009 10:51 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2009-06-30

My boyfriend and I were thinking of moving to spain and have stumbled across the difficult question of where??
We would like to be on the coast, somewhere with good transport links, but as we would like to be immersed in the culture and learn the language would prefer an area that is not heavily populated by Ex-Pats?
Also somewhere not so expensive?? Not asking much I know, but any ideas?

Posted: 02 July 2009 03:48 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  50
Joined  2008-03-05

Judging from your post I think you don’t want to end up in a Brit enclave? (I’m in more of a German enclave LOL) but there are some advantages to being among your own people. When we first moved to Ibiza (it’s not cheap so cross it off your list) we were living in Ibiza town. Very few Brits live in the town. In fact I only met one or two in the 6 months we were there. It was very difficult to find out where the cheapest shops were, where to buy cars, how to sort out residencia etc etc. When I started working alongside other Brit ex-pats everything became a lot easier because they already knew where everything is and who you need to know (mechanics, plumbers etc).
