A Canadian with UK dual citizenship…
Posted: 09 July 2009 04:18 AM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2009-07-09


I am a 30 yr old Canadian female wanting to move to Spain in approx 1 yr (Aug/Sept 2010). I’m about to apply for my dual passport through my father (Scottish Canadian) and wondered if anyone can elaborate on this process. Am I entitled to apply for jobs and immediately work?

I’ve found some great information here on the site, but I’m not entirely sure how the visa/permit, etc…bit works or whether beign dually is sufficient documentation to live & work in Spain….just not sure if I’m officially considered an Ex-Pat?/what would the term for my situation be?

Just don’t want to get my hopes up and discover that a dual passport isn’t enough…


Posted: 09 July 2009 05:02 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12


I applied for My Dual Nationality through The Spanish Embassy (Even Though I am British Citizen and Holder of a British Passport) As My mum is Spanish I wanted To Have British and Spanish Nationality… (Even though I could of Had a Choice of Canadian, Dutch US German oh and Irish Nationalities Through My Father Side!!!!)

I would suggest you contact your Embassy there in Canada as they can give you direct advice…

Remember UK Recognises Dual Nationality….. So take no Crap from other people to say the do not… I got that a lot with the Spanish Diplomats…. The Embassy was the ones that sorted everything out for me….

Let us know how you get on as that?s the best place to start is always the Embassy…


Posted: 09 July 2009 06:25 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2009-07-09

Thanks for the advise…I will contact the British & Spanish embassies here 😊

Posted: 09 July 2009 06:39 PM   [ # 3 ]  
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Usertika - 09 July 2009 06:25 PM

Thanks for the advise…I will contact the British & Spanish embassies here 😊

Let us know how you get on 😊

Posted: 09 July 2009 07:04 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  738
Joined  2008-06-23

The UK does indeed recognise Dual Nationality.

The Spanish I`m afraid does not.

You can only claim Spanish Nationality after 10 yrs uninterupted residency in Spain, unless your a world class Footballer, than they bend the rules.


“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

Posted: 09 July 2009 07:13 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

Wow… I must be a Famous Footballer 😊

As I am looking at Me DNI Card.. And My Spanish Passport… and in the other hand… I have my brand spanking new British Passport with the new chip in the back page…

And then to the left of me is my Australian cousin… He has his Australian Passport and OHHHHH! he has a dni card and Spanish Passport…

So yeap Again Spain says one thing and then means something else… Typical Huh!

Yes they do except dual nationality…

Posted: 09 July 2009 11:49 PM   [ # 6 ]  
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MAC31 - 09 July 2009 07:13 PM

Yes they do except dual nationality…

They cannot remove your UK passport.

But if you were to go to say China and need help from your consulate, you may have a different response.

I also have a Spanish Passport as my better half is Spanish, they made me stand up and renounce my previous nationality and swear to the King of Spain.

The UK didn`t give a four x though.

This explination is from the UK border agency.

If you become a national of another country
You will not normally lose your British nationality if you become a citizen or national of another country. If you are a British subject otherwise than by connection with the Republic of Ireland you will lose that status on acquiring any other nationality or citizenship. If you are a British protected person you will lose that status on acquiring any other nationality or citizenship.

If you are becoming a citizen or national of a country that does not allow dual nationality, you may be required by that country to give up your British nationality”.


“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

Posted: 09 July 2009 11:59 PM   [ # 7 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

Well anyway… See how Miss Canada gets on.. Hopefully she will update us


Posted: 18 July 2009 12:06 AM   [ # 8 ]  
Total Posts:  453
Joined  2008-12-30

i know people with three passports, the only thing that matters is which passport you use to enter the country. once you get your uk passport, you can fly out of canada with you canadian passport but you enter the european union with uk passport. that is the document you use to identify yourself in the union.

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