Vodafone Scam
Posted: 27 March 2009 06:25 PM  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2009-01-20

I have a contract with Vodafone for 3G Internet Connection at ?39 per month.  They are charging me ?63 per month.  Their reason is that I receive text messages from Club Movilista at a cost of ?0.30 each message. Naturally, I have always treated these messages as Spam and never opened one.  Vodafone say that I have to opt out of receiving these messages.
This is a SCAM. I am cancelling my contract and suing them for re-payment of my monies.
I will also report this scam to the Complaints Manager,  Telecomunicaciones, Alcal? in Madrid.
Anyone else had a similar problem?

Posted: 28 March 2009 01:14 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

what number is this coming from ? , you need to email Vodafone aswell ....

Posted: 30 March 2009 03:16 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  74
Joined  2008-07-30

Club Movilista is unlikely to be connected to Vodafone and will most likely be a third party provider of premium rate SMS services.  As Jurdy said, what number do the message come from? You should be able to Google the number and find out who is sending them to you.


Cheap international calls from Spanish landlines and mobiles

Posted: 30 March 2009 04:47 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
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chat to some one that in the industry and if you text one this company on something eles you number become theres and will keep sending hight price texts to you but if you TEXT “STOP” that have two ....... try fine out how it happen as it coome back again and agian .....

Posted: 30 March 2009 05:50 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2009-01-20

Yes, but it is Vodafone who are charging me.  I have cancelled my contract and sent an official complaint to the Spanish equivalent of the Telecommunications Watchdog.
Thanks to all.

Posted: 30 March 2009 05:54 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

Vodafone contract that your cancelled .... ?


Posted: 01 April 2009 01:57 AM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  74
Joined  2008-07-30

Vodafone may be charging you but this is only because the cost of receiving the text messages, which are sent from a third party, are being added to your bill. Where you able to cancel your Vodafone contract without penalty?


Cheap international calls from Spanish landlines and mobiles

Posted: 02 April 2009 06:13 PM   [ # 7 ]  
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Thanks for all the help.
This morning we went to our CAM bank and cancelled our standing order with Vodafone. We speak fair Spanish and we were told that many of their clients were cancelling arrangements with Vodafone due to various scams (estafa in Spanish) and this is in a bank branch in a very small town in Murcia Region.
If you go into http://www.google.es and type Estafa Vodafone you will see many entries “Nueva Estafa de Vodafone”
Vodafone Spain have clearly been misbehaving for some time and are losing many, many clients because of it. They claim that their downturn in business is due to so many South and Central American immigrants going back home. That is only a part of it.  They are losing a large number of Spanish customers, too, due to their own dishonesty.
They used to a proud and very professional company. Not these days.

Posted: 02 April 2009 06:54 PM   [ # 8 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

MargCol whos is the third party that sending you the texts and when did it start ? . do you have kids that many have used you phone to text this company

what type off phone do you have .... as all phone company can look over you phone ....  pm me with this Info

VF will now bill you for stopping the Contract read the forum you singed in the VF shop

third partys can not coldcall/text you phone .... it the law . that go you Number for some one are you sing up two it ....

need all this when your bill is sold death collectors , in this case you sould as for a court date and you will fight it ... company can sell you dead unless via the courts are you dont reply to letter from the phone company ....

need two report this to the ComReg can seek to resolve disputes between consumers and operators where the operator’s own dispute resolution process has broken down.

Operator’s obligations

Posted: 03 April 2009 07:51 PM   [ # 9 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2009-01-20

We have no kids.
The 3rd party is Club Movilista and I received spam SMS as soon as I installed the USB drive last September.  Normally I would not reply to such nuisances but I sent a reply back saying “No thanks” in Spanish.  There was another spam SMS in some hiroglyphic language from Turkey or Iran, who knows, and obviously I did not reply to that, I couldn’t. Each day I received these 2 spam texts so I decided not to use the SMS Vodafone service and closed it.
From December onwards I noticed that my monthly charges form Vodafone had been increased and, as I was not receiving any bills by post as previously*, I went to look on-line at my account.  You guessed it and I’ve heard this from other people, I couldn’t access my on-line account always receiving a message “Temporary Fault (or Error) try again later”
That’s whan I knew I was the victim of a horrible Vodafone rip-off scam.
*Previously I had a contract which used a PCMCIA card and, after 20 months I changed for the faster USB but I did not expect all this hassle.
If you can sort this out I will return to Vodafone as long as they guarantee no more dirty tricks, if not, I’ll see them in court, my solicitor is standing by.
I have made an official complaint to the Spanish Telecommunications watchdog in Madrid.

Posted: 09 July 2009 06:54 PM   [ # 10 ]  
Total Posts:  7
Joined  2008-01-14

Hi Margcol, I’m curious - how did this end?

In a related piece of news, Movistar have published their “Opt out” URL for not receiving these spam text messages http://www.telefonica.es/consentimientomovil
They very cleverly put the wrong URL on their website. These phone companies are so sneaky!!

Posted: 09 July 2009 08:38 PM   [ # 11 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2009-01-20

I have now finished with Vodafone Espa?a after a considerable amount of ridiculous excuses and lies on their part.  Their management is seriously flawed.  Vodafone’s International H.Q. in England were very sympathetic to my case and somewhat embarrassed by the behaviour of their Spanish operation but, regrettably, they do not have sufficient control and were unable to help apart from reporting my complaint and requesting assistance.  None was forthcoming.
The interesting thing is that a new law has just come into force in Spain banning the SMS Premium scam that I was subjected to and this law has been 18 months in coming so Vodafone Espa?a knew all about the impending law change before they started ripping me off.  I will not be dealing with them again.
There was a comment from someone whose advice was not to contract for any Extra Services.  I must make it totally clear that I did not request anything other than the basic 3G Internet Service which I had been happily using for the previous 2 years.  It was Vodafone Espa?a who foisted this scam on me and now they have permanently lost yet another customer.  What a shambles they are.

Posted: 10 July 2009 12:23 AM   [ # 12 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

Margcol could you email please , need fine out the number and so on for story we doing soon on Hight price SMS


Posted: 10 July 2009 12:35 PM   [ # 13 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2009-01-20

Oficina de Atenci?n al Usuario de Telecomunicaci?nes
Calle Capit?n Haya 41
Madrid 28014
See   http://www.usuariosteleco.es
Phone   901 336 699
The new Law banning SMS Premium came into force about 2 weeks ago.
You could also look at   http://www.boe.es  and find Carta de Derechos del Usuario de Telecomunicaci?nes (Real Decreto 899/2009 de 22 de Mayo de 2009   B.O.E. number 131 = 30 de Mayo de 2009.
You can also use the Burofax Confirmed Receipt Service (Acusado de Recibo) in the Correos offices to send your initial complaint direct to the company involved, e.g.  Vodafone or Telefonica Movistar.
It is clear that the Public Protection Services are struggling to keep up with all the scams perpetrated by the Mobile Phone companies who seem to be able to bring out new dirty tricks almost weekly.  We have this wonderful technology but, unfortunately, human greed takes priority and spoils it for everyone.
