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Almunecar International School - Disgraceful
Posted: 31 July 2009 08:07 PM   [ # 16 ]  
Total Posts:  95
Joined  2009-05-27

Film ratings are guidelines meant to make it easier for parents to decide what they should allow their children to watch, using their own judgment. But they have no legal bearing. Unless, of course it’s something that is classified as porn, which would be illegal to show to children in most developed countries. None of these movies are considered pornographic.

I said she “definitely didn’t do anything illegal” because the only action that was possibly illegal was the act of downloading the movie for free without paying for it. But she did not own the DVD, therefore it was not her who did the illegal downloading.

Just because her actions were not illegal doesn’t mean they weren’t wrong. But you would expect the level of punishment to be harsher if a school employee committeed a crime. She did not, and you’re making it sound like she did.

Although, I guess I shoudln’t be so absolute about it. If you have a good lawyer, he might be able to find some way to say she violated some law (who knows with what degree of success..). The act of showing a violent movie to childen itself is not illegal, though.

Some info about the film rating system:

While most theaters won’t let those under 18 into R rated movies, that policy is completely voluntary. From the Wikipedia article: “Theater owners could still allow anyone into R-rated films without being accompanied by an adult since the rating system is technically voluntary and in most jurisdictions does not have the force of law behind it. Attendance at films with strong enough content to merit an NC-17 rating could be restricted by law because of the possibility of being considered indecent.”

Posted: 31 July 2009 08:31 PM   [ # 17 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

you get it on the copyright laws , brodcasting in public area with out a payying roaltys rights .... and Film ratings are guidelines is law in EU zone ... and show to Miners is big no no ....

Posted: 31 July 2009 09:21 PM   [ # 18 ]  
Just Landed
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Joined  2009-06-10

I really can’t comment on what your laws are in the USA. From reading what you have written, I think you are assuming that the DVD in question, that is certified “18” is the same as your R-rated. I would believe it is more like your NC-17. Your NC-17 at a cinema/theatre means no children allowed, as does an “18”

If that Bus Monitor worked in a cinema/theatre and knowingly allowed children as young as 4 to watch an “18” film, I know for a fact she wouldnt be moved to another job in the same cinema to sell ice creams, however hurt or embarrassed she might be at “her mistake”

Things are obviously a bit different over here, where minors are concerned.

Posted: 31 July 2009 10:17 PM   [ # 19 ]  
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Joined  2009-05-27

The British and Spanish “18” rating and the American “R”/Restricted rating seem the same to me. They both classify movies as unsuitable for those under age 18.  Although the standards in the U.S., U.K. and Spain could vary based on what’s deemed acceptable because of different moral attitudes. “R” is most “mature” rating you would find on any Hollywood movie in the U.S.  NC-17 ratings are reserved for pornography or other really heinous stuff, therefore NC-17 would be equivelant to an R-18 rating in the UK, or a Pel?cula X rating in Spain. Yes, it would definitely be illegal to show one of those movies to a child, because of the child protection laws that were passed in the 70s in both the US and Europe.

I have been searching around on the Internet and have been unable to find information on any law that prohibits an adult from showing an 18 or R rated movie to a child in Spain, the U.S., or even in the U.K. I’d be interested in some information about the specific laws you say exist and what the penalties are. I completely agree with you all that it is morally wrong, I am just not convinced that it is illegal because of Western values such as freedom of information and expression.

According to this Wikipedia article (which, admittedly, could be totally inaccurate..)” Attitudes toward film censorship in Spain are unusual due to the adverse affect of dictatorship and heavy censorship until 1975 under General Francisco Franco.  Therefore, most Spanish citizens are against censorship of any kind and prefer personal responsibility and liberalism, thus very few people show serious respect for certification of films. For example, cinemas in Spain never ask for identification.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Film_ratings#Spain

Also, jurdy, the video wasn’t shown in “public” so the royalty thing wouldn’t apply in this case.

Posted: 31 July 2009 10:36 PM   [ # 20 ]  
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Joined  2009-05-27

Interesting thing I came across on the BBFC Web site in the FAQS. (Although, this is in the UK, so doesn’t apply.. but it’s only a guideline anyway)

Can a school show videos of a particular category to children below that age?
The Board would not recommend it as the classification decision indicates that the film contains material which is unsuitable for children younger than the age specified. But there are some marginal cases where it might be considered appropriate to show a film in an educational context where it is properly discussed and presented. Clearly schools should seek parental consent prior to the screening. It is also important to make sure that any children watching are not likely to suffer any ill effects as a result of seeing the film. We would also recommend obtaining the approval of the Headteacher and Governors.

Anyway, “not recommended” but apparently not illegal..

Got that from here: http://www.bbfc.co.uk/faq/index.php

Posted: 01 August 2009 12:11 AM   [ # 21 ]  
Just Landed
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Joined  2009-06-10

It doesn’t really matter what I say, you are going to Google it and quote me something from the internet.

Like I said earlier, the case is going to court, and I’ll keep everyone updated on this highly debated topic. 

Thanks for your comments Sally, this has brought this thread and this controversail issue back into public awareness on this and other forums, which is exactly what i wanted.

Ps. Just to let you know, the monitor also broke a school rule - no DVD’s to be shown on any buses, a rule that has stood for the past two years

Posted: 05 August 2009 04:55 PM   [ # 22 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Hi JasonC,
what an awful outcome - that your son is to be banned as you stood up for his protection! (But sadly, it does not surprize me).
Possibly approach one of the ‘Ascociaciones de Mujeres’ in your area.  (Your wife may have to go along as the representative of the family?)... I know they are very supportive to women, mothers etc - and might be able to help in protecting family members.  I do not know about Social Workers here - but I am sure the local health centre might know? (I did go to my local social worker - but it was more about what my access rights to health care where and not other issues. But possibly worth a try?).

Let us know if you have any success with the local press.
Are there child agencies here like the UK? (Child line and the like?)

I am guessing a lawyer would be expensive - and everyone will stick to the decisions already made!
So maybe keep your money but keep posting on forums like this/letting everyone know!

Sad situation.

Posted: 05 August 2009 06:21 PM   [ # 23 ]  
Total Posts:  738
Joined  2008-06-23

You may find this helpful, its a new resource for immigrants in the Junta de Andalucia region.



“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

Posted: 19 October 2009 02:23 PM   [ # 24 ]  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2009-10-16

When I first saw your comments about this school, I was shocked! I felt very sorry for you and your son. Now I have read it all again (also on other sites on the internet), and spoken to a few people connected to the school, and I have a few comments (which you might not like)

My daugther attends this school, and we are very happy with it. She has learned and is still learning a lot. The school has created a good foundation for learning in both English and Spanish with many different nationalities. And most important, the social networking among the children at all ages at the school is gift for a foreign child (such as mine). Therefore I fell very safe in recommmending this school to others.

I know that it is not okay to show these kind of movies to children! And the monitor should not have accepted these movies! Mistakes happen every where and every day - this is life. The monitor was taken off duties on the bus, and no more movies are shown. I know this lady, and to say that she is not fit to handle children is a very big mistake! She is wonderful. Do you know her or just seen her on the bus?? My feeling about this matter is (and this is just based on your messages on varios forums, nothing else) that you complained and the reply was not strong enough for you, and therefore you felt offended. Could this be it? I might be mistaking….

Posted: 05 November 2009 08:42 PM   [ # 25 ]  
Just Landed
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Joined  2009-06-10

I’m glad your daughter is happy and doing well at this school, as a parent I wouldn’t wish otherwise on any child. Perhaps you’d have felt differently if your daughter was on the Nerja bus. Was your daughter on that bus?

The school made the decision to take the bus monitor off bus duties, and now no more pirate uncut films are shown, and the Monitor still supervises and has close contact with kids as a “dinner monitor” every day. Thats the schools choice

To class the showing of many uncut pirate movies by the Monitor to children as young as four, over a period of many months, before and after school, is hardly a mistake that can happen every day in life. If your daughter (whatever age she may be) had been subjected to all this, and then conveniently “not offered a place” for the next academic year after you had complained, would you still think the school was great and the monitor wonderful?

Perhaps you can let the forum know of some of the comments made from people you spoke to that are “connected” to the school

As part of the court process, I had to get a Child Pyschologist report. The first Child Pyschologist I approached couldn’t carry out the report because of a conflict of interest. WHY? Because she’d already had a bust up with the same school in the past and removed her own kids!

Lets hope nothing happens to your daughter in the future after you’ve been warned.

Posted: 07 November 2009 12:38 AM   [ # 26 ]  
Total Posts:  95
Joined  2009-05-27

Your latest post reminds me of a question I asked you previously that you never answered:

Have you contacted the parents of any of the other children on the bus? What do they think about the situation? Are you the only one on this crusade?

Posted: 07 November 2009 04:09 AM   [ # 27 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

please becareful with post as hear the word ” court ” ARE I HAVE TO CLOSED IT DOWN , i dont want to please Becareful

Posted: 18 November 2009 03:42 AM   [ # 28 ]  
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Well thanks for the warning… I will keep my happy daughter at the school and hope that you and our son will find a new school, which is good for you both!

My daughter was on that bus and she has never mentioned anything nor has she been affected by the movies on the bus. I have spoken to other children on this bus, and they dont seem to be affected either. The concern is more that something else has happened between you and the school - could that be? I feel that you have taken a small thing (movies on the bus), and thereby made the school look really bad all over - which is not fair! The school is providing a first class education and mistakes happens, but this dosent make the school bad all over.

Crusade is maybe a good word for this thing that you are doing - your complaint was given to the board and the monitor was taken of duties as per their decision - what else is there to do? What do you want from this courtcase? A place at the school, closing of the school or money? Please let me know…

Posted: 18 November 2009 08:29 PM   [ # 29 ]  
Just Landed
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Joined  2009-06-10

Did you write this in the staff room on your lunch break between lessons!?

Posted: 18 November 2009 10:11 PM   [ # 30 ]  
Total Posts:  3
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well what can I say? You don’t believe that anybody can be happy with the school - other then those who work at the school? Please don’t make me answer that!

I am still waiting for your reply on; is there something else between you and the school (other then the movies on the bus)? And what do you want from the court case?


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