can anybody tell me the process of learning truck driving in spain
Posted: 17 July 2009 08:42 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2009-07-17

Hello everyone, pls can somebody let me know the criteria for learning truck driving here
in spain. I know i have to get a motor drivers license but which other things are envolved?
And does truck drivers earn good salaries? HOW long does it take to learn it?
Must i be fluent in spanish language before i could
learn it or get a job with it.
Forgive me for much questions…i just want to know if it could be possible for me to learn it and
get a job with it.
I will be very glad with your good response.
Thank you.

Posted: 06 August 2009 02:29 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2009-08-06

Forget it , is the best advice I can give. To learn to drive a Spanish heavy goods vehicle( truck) you would first have to apply for your provisional licence for trucks. I assume you already have a EU or Spanish ordinary licence. You would then have to find a driving school for HGVs and find out the costs involved.  I think it would be quite expensive. You would need to be able to read, write and speak Spanish fairly fluently and at the end of it all, if you passed your test, there is no guarantee of work.  Most reputable employers will only employ experienced drivers.
