To move or not to move?
Posted: 06 August 2009 12:52 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2009-08-06

I am a 35 yr old english married woman (DH is 37), with a 2.5 yr old little boy. We have recently been looking into the possiblilty of moving to spain to hopefully begin a “better ” life. My hubby and son both have illnesses that are better in warmer climates, so are hopeful that Spain will mean a healthier life. Hubby is a carpenter / joiner and i work in a childrens day care setting.
Looking for some advice on :-
- current employment issues and the cuurent job market
- best areas to look at living
- cost of living , so that we can work out how much we will need behind us before we leave
- any legal issues that we need to deal with before arriving

plus any other inromation that you feel may help.

We are only just researching, so this move wouldnt be until next year.

Posted: 06 August 2009 09:57 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  738
Joined  2008-06-23
esther - 06 August 2009 12:52 PM

I am a 35 yr old english married woman (DH is 37), with a 2.5 yr old little boy. We have recently been looking into the possiblilty of moving to spain to hopefully begin a “better ” life.

My response to this is what do you mean by a better life ?

Spain is different, it depends on what you want from life.

My hubby and son both have illnesses that are better in warmer climates, so are hopeful that Spain will mean a healthier life.

Almeria and Murcia regions tend to be the choice for people with illnesses affected by damp conditions.

- current employment issues and the cuurent job market

Conditions are bad, unemployment is reported to be falling in Spain, but for Expats, its unlikely to improve much soon.

- cost of living , so that we can work out how much we will need behind us before we leave

Around the same as UK, we paid rent of 500 Euros a month on a 3 bed apt.

Wage was 1500 Euros a month.Which is high, Malaga the average wage is 800 Euros.

plus any other inromation that you feel may help.

Research for the next few yrs and have around ?30,000 in cash.

Don`t leave the UK without a job and don`t arrive in Spain without spending sometime living in Spain.

I would advise you took a month off work, rent a house in a small Spanish town and live like a local. That way you`ll learn if Spain is actually a place for you.

I also wouldn`t sell any property you have in the UK, it helps to have a fall back, we didn`t I have regretted that ever since.

Might be worth hubby goin to Spain for a few months, get a job if you can`t before and he spend sometime and you visit.

I`d been goin to Spain for many years, have Spanish family and was still surprised how crap Southern Spain was and how much our lifes would go backwards without much benefit.

I wanted the lifestyle that allowed me more time with the wife and kids, be on the beach and enjoy the relaxing Spanish lifestyle.

Forget it, unless you are very lucky.

All my Spanish collegues worked 12 hour days, most of our Spanish friends worked long hours. I had to work long hours.

I don`t mind the odd 12 hour day, but in Southern Spain, in 30 degree heat, for less money than a 6 hour day in the UK.

No, I was spending less time with my family, constantly stressed and skint.

Although I do miss the lunches in the Venta`s, a Menu for 8 Euro`s, not that the food was great, but the atmosphere.


“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

Posted: 09 August 2009 12:54 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  306
Joined  2007-09-24

Esther, I just wanted to wish you the best of luck.  You’re going to get a lot of people saying its a bad time to make the move, and indeed it wouldn’t be a great time to give up steady employment anywhere without the next move in place, but times are hard anywhere - and the lifestyle is relaxed, warm and a fantastic place to raise kids.  If you can find the jobs, or at least one of you, then you’ll be fine.  Really hope it all comes together OK for you!



Posted: 01 December 2009 09:04 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2009-11-17


Posted: 08 December 2009 09:03 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  95
Joined  2009-05-27

Esther, just FYI if you have read many other posts on this forum you would see that Santi is always a downer. He really seems to have hated his time in Spain, so it’s probably good that he’s moved back to the UK…
Moving to a new country is going to be a lot of work, but you can make it happen if it’s what you really want. There are a lot of people, from Britain and elsewhere, who have successfully made the transition. Hopefully, some of them will post here!  Like you, I’m someone who is looking to move next year. But I’m in a little different situation. It’s just me and my fiance.. we’re both in good health and have no kids. So, we’re planning to live cheaply.  I will definitely be updating everyone here as we get closer to the move!

As an EU citizen, you at least have one advantage over me: You don’t need a work permit.  If you speak fluent Spanish, then you’re golden.  If not, look for jobs in English-speaking communities, or start taking Spanish classes. If you guys are good, qualified workers, you can probably find work.  You only need two jobs, after all.
