Schools in Costa Blanca
Posted: 05 October 2009 04:26 PM  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  11
Joined  2009-09-21

Can anyone name some good schools in Costa Blanca. We are thinking Alicante, Murcia area to start with. As we probably could not afford International schools, I wondered if there was and Spanish schools that had a lot of Brits in them.
I am really really worried about my kids going to school with everyone speaking Spanish. Obviously, after a year os so we would prefer to live where there was less Brits, but I think to start with it would be best for the kids, to help them feel at home and settle.
Our kids are 11 and 3.

Posted: 05 October 2009 04:27 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  11
Joined  2009-09-21

I will also add that its the kids and schools holding me back from wanting to move. My husband is totally up for moving! I would also prefer my kids to have GCSE’s etc, rather than Spanish qualifications.

Posted: 08 October 2009 12:46 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  306
Joined  2007-09-24

Kirsty, they wont do GCSEs etc in a Spanish school.  For that you would need an international school following the British curriculum.  THere is a list of such schools at 

I dont have direct personal experience of Spanish schools, but from all I’ve heard I would say try to AVOID any with large British populations.  Certainly I have had heard negative things about schools that are underresourced to cope with a large immigrant population they don’t share a language with, etc, and discipline and education being problematic as a result.  Certainly for me I couldnt have considered a school where I could not share a language/discussion with the teachers, which ruled out Spanish school for the time being,

Best of luck and do PM if I can help on anything specific, its a difficult decision,



Posted: 14 October 2009 10:27 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  64
Joined  2007-02-13

hi kirsty

my children go to spanish schools in guardamar (Aicante), firstly my eldest boy started off in a school in playa flamenca which had masses of english children i thought that would be best for him at the time but to be honest it was horrible we took him out after 2 months and moved to the school he’s in now there is only him and 1 other english child in his class, it is so much better and he loves it, my younger boy goes to a spanish catholic school and that is even better, there are 2 classes in his year 1 for valencian and 1 for castellano and out of the 2 classes there are 3 non spanish children, its such a good school really strict and very hard to get into.
