Posted: 27 November 2009 08:04 PM  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

All a while ago I posted a thread about a new Spanish rent tax to come into force After summer break (Government)

Here some news:-

New report claims more than half of rental income not declared in Spain

It would mean more than a million undeclared rental incomes across the country

A study carried out by the GESTHA collective of technicians in Hacienda has established that more than half the incomes obtained from rental accommodation are not declared. The amount lost to the taxman has been put at 2.45 billion ? a year, with the fraud most commonly found in Catalu?a, Andaluc?a and Madrid.

The report does not include income from the rental of garages, shops or offices.

Gestha claim that the tax authorities are failing to take advantage of new anti-fraud legislation introduced three years ago, with Gestha General Secretary, Jos? Mar?a Mollinedo, describing the current system as ?very bad? and saying that new measures are urgently needed.

However the main bosses in Hacienda doubt the accuracy of the claim, saying the numbers, based on data from 2007, do not add up, and would mean that there are more than a million undeclared rental incomes across the country.

Posted: 29 November 2009 04:54 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2009-02-19

I have been told recently by a friend living in Costa del Sol that they are introducing a new and temporary tax to cover the low economy in Spain at the moment.Apparently,resident or non resident,you will have to pay a tax for renting out your property even if it is your first and only home.Sounds a bit like the taxi fines they are making sure everyone pays even the honest ones.
This is to be collected before the 31st December 2009.
Can this possibly be true???Or has this person got his wires crossed?Sounds like another case of legal robbery to me.

Posted: 29 November 2009 09:34 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12


To answer your question I have no Idea if there Introducing a tax plan on Rent “YET”

However I do know since last year and this “PANICO DE CRISIS” The government want to see people paying Tax on there Rent Income as Spain Is the only country that has not introduced Tax on Rent (Far as I am Aware)

Watch this Space as we say…


Posted: 09 January 2010 05:14 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

*****UPDATE***** “AND SO IT BEGINS!!”“

Spanish banks obliged to tell the taxman of every movement over 3000 Euro

The obligation, set in a new Royal Decree, applies to cash and credit card payments

Friday?s cabinet meeting in Madrid saw a new Royal Decree approved in the fight against fiscal fraud.

Under the new legislation the banks will have to systematically inform the Spanish tax authorities every year of any movements of cash or credit card payments for more than 3,000 ? made by businessmen and professionals.

Deputy Prime Minister, Mar?a Teresa Fern?ndez de la Vega, announced the move which she said would ?increase the efficiency in the fight against fiscal fraud?.

The Agencia Tributaria already has access to such information if it requests it, but now there will be a routine transfer of the information. Banks will also be obliged to identify the exact type of payment used in each transaction.

Meanwhile Notaries will also be obliged to note the payment method used in the purchase of property.
