International Schools in Barcelona
Posted: 03 August 2006 10:31 PM  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2006-07-24

I am trying to find out more about schooling in Barcelona, especially International schools where they learn/ teach in English. Are there many around and are they easy to get into? Also, what kind of costs are we looking at per term? My daughter will only be 2/3 years old when we move there but I would like to send her to a school as soon as possible. If anyone has any infomration, I would really appreciate some ideas. Many Thanks

Posted: 10 August 2006 07:37 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  16
Joined  2006-07-11

There are lots of English schools here, The American School, Benjamin Franklin, St. Peter’s, that follow the American and/or U.K. curriculum. I looked into them for my son, but they’re too pricey for us (about 700-800 Euros a month plus extras). There are some private schools that divide up the curriculum into Spanish/English/Catalan instruction that are less expensive. I think if everything goes as planned we’ll try to enroll my son in one of those that’s about 350 Euros a month. Also, just FYI several of the “better” schools are run by Opus Dei, so depending on what kind of religious education you want for your daughter that’s something to keep in mind!


Music and movement workshops for children ages 0-4 and parents in Barcelona

Posted: 18 August 2006 01:48 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2006-07-24


Thanks for the reply, haven’t been able to get online in a while. One question I have is, does your child HAVE to get a religious education or are there schools which are more secular?? I would like to educate her myself on my idea of religion/ spirituality.

Also, I had a quick look on your website and I take Keira, my daughter, to something similar here - Kindermuzik, do you know it? If I do come over there, I would love to participate in babyrockenglish 😊

Posted: 21 August 2006 03:27 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  16
Joined  2006-07-11

I think the approach to religion varies considerably by school. Some are very strict and others take a more academic/world religion approach. As far as I can tell, the majority of private schools have some sort of religious affiliation (with exceptions like the American school), so I guess you have to be sure to ask lots of questions when you go for a visit. On the city website you can do a search by public/private and neighborhood:,2750,389431_542341_3,00.html
It is hard to go by this since there are so many. We actually found the school we’d like to send our son to next year through the brother of a student of mine, so I would ask everyone you run into where their kids go to school and how they like it.

(To answer your other question, I have heard of Kindermuzik! Our program is similar. If you are around in September feel free to e-mail me and I’ll give you more info. - we’d love to have you!)


Music and movement workshops for children ages 0-4 and parents in Barcelona

Posted: 27 September 2006 02:24 AM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  31
Joined  2006-09-27

When we first arrived in Spain 2 and a half years ago, i felt the same as you, and wanted my son to go to an English speaking school. But there weren’t any within a reasonable distance.

He has been in the local village school, the only English child, and he now speaks fluent Catalan and Castellano. My friends and family are amazed when they visit, my parents were actually in tears. There are only 9 pupils in his class, and only 67 in the whole school with 8 teachers…........and i dont have to pay a penny.

Yes, his English reading and writing are a little behind what they would be if we were still in the UK, but what the hell, he is tri-lingual at 8 years old, and we are doing lots of practise at home (i have a TEFL qualification)

I wouldn’t be too determined about an English school if i were you, let them integrate into Spanish life and education, it’s a fantastic future for them.
