This one?s for Larry!!
Posted: 14 December 2009 03:33 AM  
Total Posts:  58
Joined  2008-06-06

We?re in a block of 27 apartments and the community has just been billed ?800 for a TDT upgrade.

I am not an expert, but it sounds like a lot to me.

There was an existing antena which he didn?t change. The bill listed the following items:

Soporte SP 126…...........  ?10.50
Modulo Amp ZG421….....  ?83.40 x 6 (slight change in ref number on each of those).
Fuente de alimentacion AS 125…..?78.85
Puentes, conectores,accesorios varios…..?20

So, including IVA ?837.

What do you think Larry, fair job?

Posted: 14 December 2009 04:00 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  58
Joined  2008-06-06

I should apologise, I hadn?t realised there were so many tv heads out there willing to help, so this post is for you all….not just Snr Larry :cheese:

Posted: 14 December 2009 01:17 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  104
Joined  2008-07-07

thats around the mark for a good TDT install for a community.
the main cost are the modules you need for the TDT frequencies (which you have 6 of) to be able to feed these frequencies into the existing TV system.

And he may not have needed to change the actual aerial, only chnage its polarization. it is a big misconception that uyou need a new digital tv aerial. there are no such thngs as digital aerial, only aerials. it is their configuration that determines if they receive digial or analogue signals!

The only problem I have with the module systems is that whenever a new tdt frequncy comes online you will need to call the engineer out and install another module for those new frequncies. This is where the programable TDT units come into their own - for 500 or 600 euros thy are fully computerised and only need about 10 minutes to programme and test any new frequencies into them.


The Sat And PC Guy
Sky TV in Spain. Costa Banca Satellite TV
Free Business Directory

Posted: 15 December 2009 03:34 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  58
Joined  2008-06-06

Nice one. We really appreciate your comprehensive response.

So all those people around our village with nice new yellow aerials, may not have needed them!?

Posted: 15 December 2009 03:49 AM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  104
Joined  2008-07-07
phlaaps - 15 December 2009 03:34 AM

Nice one. We really appreciate your comprehensive response.

So all those people around our village with nice new yellow aerials, may not have needed them!?

In many cases of clients I have been to the exisiting aerial has been more than adequate for reception of TDT aerials and they have not required a new aerial at all…just its orientation (“wings top and botton” not “wings left and right” like for analogue) needed changing. They are very surprised when I get when digital channels even on their old aerial as they were expecting to pay for a new aerial! Of course it depends on how old the aerial is and how and the “electonic box” of the aerial has been damaged by water and wasps….

However, some people will still want to watch the analogue local tv channels (many have not been allocated a TDT frequency yet - and probably will not have one allocated until full analogue switch off), and therefore they will require one aerial for the analogues and one for the digitals.

I have had similar converations with people requesting “HD LNB"s for their satellite systems. There is no such things as a HD LNB, just an LNB, but a few have been tricked into getting a new LNB and the installer saying its required for HD TV!

And like the fact that here are no 1.9m satellite dishes. Not one company makes 1.9m dishes. They are mainly 1.8m dishes. The correct way to measure dishes is from the sides of the reflector part of the dish, and you do not include the surrounding rim. Including this surrounding rim adds the extra 10cms onto the dish, and makes it sound bigger!


The Sat And PC Guy
Sky TV in Spain. Costa Banca Satellite TV
Free Business Directory

Posted: 16 December 2009 03:25 AM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  58
Joined  2008-06-06

Thanks for all your help SATandPCguy. Great to know we?re not getting ripped off.
