I am US citizen and have been offered permanent employment in Madrid as a web developer for a large media organization. I have to make a decision early next week if I can proceed with their offer. I additionally have another employment offer here in the states (in a not so exciting city), so my heart is in moving overseas for many reasons. BUT—I need to accept the US offer if I will have impossible problems bringing my girlfriend to live in Spain.
Because I work in the computer technology field, I am able to work from home until my work visa is processed. This job in Madrid for a reputable organization, their HR department is promising to secure me a work visa over the next 4-5 months if all goes well, and continued freelance employment from the US if there is a delay. I know they have had their job search open long enough, and are in process of proving no EU citizen has filled the role.
My girlfriend of 3+ years is a Russian Citizen, however she has already attained permanent residence status in the US because she has lived here for 7 years now. She would have to legally be allowed to move to Spain with me no later than October. She will also need to find a way to earn income as well, either as a freelancer or by finding job in Madrid. (She is web developer/designer as well). Before I can accept this employment offer, I need to know a few things about our situation and options.
1. As Russian citizen with permanent US status, what is the likelihood of her securing a residence visa in Spain independent of me? What does this process require?
Because we love each other very much, and understand the laws to some extent, the following questions assume we get married.
1. Does my work visa application need to declare her as a dependent now? Since the work VISA process is 4-5 months, would we have to marry immediately?
2. If I begin a work visa application now, and we get married sometime over the next 4-5 months, how long will it take for her to be able to live with me as a dependent. Assume she can also get tourist visa for a few months.
3. Let’s assume we got married, she is a dependent and we are both living in Spain. Can she get work in the EU legally?
4. Can she take freelance work in the EU legally, if her residence becomes Spain? Where would she pay taxes on her freelance work?
5. After we both live in Madrid legally, can she take work on-site in Madrid at a company, or does she have to go through a 4-5 month work visa process?
6. I know little of the Blue Card, is this something I should be asking for? Would it help our situation any?
Anything else I am missing? Please, any advice no matter how insignificant is very important, as I have an immediate decision to make.
Thank you very much for you help!!!!!!
-Tom & Yulka