El Puerto de Santa Maria
Posted: 24 February 2010 11:45 PM  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2009-09-08

We’re curently living in Tarifa, absolutely love it here, but with 2 kids now we really need a bigger house with outdoor space. My husband works from home so we’re lucky we can move anywhere. We’re currently looking at moving to El Puerto de Santa Maria just north of Cadiz but it’s a bit of a shot in the dark - only know what I’ve read on the internet, anyone have personal experience of?

Many thanks

Posted: 26 February 2010 11:04 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  75
Joined  2008-11-26

Hi Grainne,

Tarifa is a great town, I’ve been there many times and I love it.

I’ve also been to El Puerto de Santa Maria and that’s pretty cool too, as is the nearby region of Cadiz, especially if you like marzipan, as they make it there! The streets are all quaint and cobbled and it’s a great place for a spot of culture.

I’ve not spent any time living around there though, but it seems very traditionally Spanish still, if that’s what you prefer ( I know I do!)

Hope you find what you’re looking for

Keidi x


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