Looking for work in Barcelona
Posted: 24 January 2010 09:11 PM  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2010-01-24

:coolsmile: Hi, I am currently living on the Costa del Sol and working in Gibraltar for an online gaming company.

I am an ex UK Policeman and I am looking to re-locate to Barcelona area so I am looking for employment.

Any help would be very welcom.

I am attaching a CV.



File Attachments
SKH CV.doc  (File Size: 49KB - Downloads: 753)
Posted: 26 February 2010 11:18 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  75
Joined  2008-11-26

Hi Stuart

You do not mention what kind of work you are looking for ? Not as a policeman I take it?! I can understand whay you want to get out of Gib though… LOL !
There are lots of opportunities out there to also become self employed and work for yourself, you just have to find them!...Hav you ever considered running your own business in Barcelona.

I was there just before Christmas and there were tonnes of people alround compared to here in Malaga, and lots of tourists too… Must be a good sign I suppose.

Keidi x


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