please help pensioner from n.ireland wanting to relocate to spain
Posted: 26 February 2010 07:18 PM  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2010-02-26

hi everyone this is all very new to me i am having problems just finding my way around the computer i am retired and before i loose anymore of my nest egg through bad investments i have decided that i would like to move to spain would i be better moving to a retirement village or should i just buy a place out in the community i am not rich but looking at property prices in torrevieja i think that i could just manage can anyone tell me if that would be a nice place or can anyone advice me on other nice places i dont speak spanish but i am willing to learn

thanks for taking the time to read this

Posted: 26 February 2010 10:51 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  75
Joined  2008-11-26

Hi Marie

There’s a lot to think about when considering a move to Spain. You mention Torrevieja but have you been there before to take a look around and see whether you like the area ? Do you have family or friends already living in any part of Spain? In terms of ‘cheap’ areas to live in, or where you can find cheap propery, due to the current ecomonic situation there are slashed priced properties all across Spain at the moment. It really is a buyers market.

I would suggest not rushing into a decision about where to be based and if you are abel to rent for a while first in the area where you can see yourself living, then that would be a wise move. The area you may THINK you want to live in may not transpire to be right for you. There are a lot of English people living in Torrevieja, but my personal experience of the area is that it is a bit dirty to be honest. There are also a lot of English communities in the Costa del Sol region of Spain.

I hope you find the right place for you 😊


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Posted: 27 February 2010 01:12 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2010-02-26

Hi Keidi

thankyou for taking the time to reply i do not have any family or friends living in any part of Spain. the most time that i have ever spent there was my 2 weeks holidays at different resorts every year. i have never been to Torrevieja but i will take into concideration what you said. it is a big step for me to take by myself.
i hope to hear from other people who have retired here


Posted: 27 February 2010 01:25 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  1682
Joined  2005-12-05

I think the best thing you could do would be to spend a month going from place to place to visit some of the cities/towns you’re interested in.


“Vocation is where your greatest passion and the world’s greatest need overlap.”

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Recommended reading: working visa (non EU), other visas, jobs in Spain, teaching English (non EU), finding apartments, holidays, mobile/cell phones, NIE cards, gestors.

Posted: 23 March 2010 04:55 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2010-03-23

hi marie. just read your post and i think your very brave considering this on your own.  ive been considering the same for a long time and am too on my own and so havent done anything about it yet.  renting first is sound advice.  having someone to share the experience with would be a great encouragment and support.  pity your not nearer. im in norfolk england. would love you to keep me informed of your progress.  Dawn

Posted: 23 March 2010 06:28 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2010-02-26

Hi Dawn, thank you for taking the time to read my post beleive me i am not very brave.
I have always wanted to move to Spain so now i am going to do something about it before
i get to old to enjoy it. I know that it will be a big step for me to take espicially as i have never even had a holiday by myself.
I think i will rent first, your right some one to share the experience would be nice
I am hoping to come in touch with other expats but i am also going to try and learn some spanish.
I will keep you informed of my progress.

