The urgency of an NIE and/or residencia
Posted: 18 July 2010 09:38 PM  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2010-07-18

Hi everyone

Any help on the following would be much appreciated…

Im moving to Spain in March and trying to be as organised as possible. I have to admit I am finding the residency subject very confusing despite all the research I have done. Am I right in thinking that as a UK citizen you do not have to have a tarjeta de residencia anymore but that it can make life a lot easier to have one (processes for renting, banking etc are quicker or easier?) I have read somewhere that the tarjeta itself does not actually exist anymore anyway and that it is just a certificate that does not act as a type of ID either…im beginning to get confused about its actual purpose!?

When I first arrive I will be living in Nerja for 3 months to do an intensive Spanish course. After this I havent yet decided where I will move to but will of course be looking for work and to rent somewhere. Is it advisable for me to start applying for a residencia as soon as possible in Nerja and get the process underway or should I not do this until I know which province I will be settling in permanently? If the answer is to wait until I have settled somewhere, then should I at least get my NIE number in the meantime? because I read a post that suggested that for the amount of time and effort it takes to get an NIE I may as well just get a form EX-16 and get both NIE and residencia together once I am settled.

Obviously I do not want to make extra work for myself with forms, queuing and appointments etc when it might not be necessary but I want to ensure I have the required documents/numbers to get work and accomodation promptly following my course. Please if anyone could explain to me the urgency of the NIE and residencia for my personal situation and the order I need to obtain them, and any other clarification I would be so very grateful.

Im an organised person by nature and will feel so much more peaceful once I have these things clearer in my head!!

Thank you

Posted: 18 July 2010 09:58 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

you can get at police station when you get here , and yes make life lot more easyer .... it your NIE you need to do most think here , bank , telphone and so on rentting aswell


Posted: 18 July 2010 10:23 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2010-07-18

Okay, thank you Jurdy. So it seems the NIE is really more important for me (initially at least) but if im going to go through that process anyway I can just go for the residencia and NIE together whilst in Nerja and it wont be a problem if I then move to another province after 3 months?

Posted: 18 July 2010 11:28 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  744
Joined  2009-01-22


This book describes the application process with examples of how to fill out the forms plus loads more useful information:

Application Forms and the
Regulations Governing EU citizens in Spain document.

For forms - Click: Modelos de Solictudes

For the Regulations document in English



Posted: 19 July 2010 01:40 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2010-07-18

Thanks Rob. The links are very useful and the e-book looks good too, cheers for the reply.
