transferring dental records???
Posted: 19 July 2010 05:59 AM  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  23
Joined  2009-12-27

I’m gonna move to Madrid next month. My dentist says I should get braces…It’s not an immediate problem, my teeth are fairly straight, i’m just picky and i want them to be perfectly straight, so I’m thinking about getting them. However, how will I continue with the treatment after moving to Madrid? Will my dentist there know where to pick up from?

Posted: 19 July 2010 07:02 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  68
Joined  2010-01-25
GoldBabyShriek - 19 July 2010 05:59 AM

I’m gonna move to Madrid next month. My dentist says I should get braces…It’s not an immediate problem, my teeth are fairly straight, i’m just picky and i want them to be perfectly straight, so I’m thinking about getting them. However, how will I continue with the treatment after moving to Madrid? Will my dentist there know where to pick up from?

Why not just start in Spain?
Have you investigated dental costs in Spain?

Posted: 19 July 2010 07:41 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  23
Joined  2009-12-27
halydia - 19 July 2010 07:02 AM
GoldBabyShriek - 19 July 2010 05:59 AM

I’m gonna move to Madrid next month. My dentist says I should get braces…It’s not an immediate problem, my teeth are fairly straight, i’m just picky and i want them to be perfectly straight, so I’m thinking about getting them. However, how will I continue with the treatment after moving to Madrid? Will my dentist there know where to pick up from?

Why not just start in Spain?
Have you investigated dental costs in Spain?

well, i don’t have a problem with waiting, i mean it’s only a month. it’s just that i’m concerned about communication difficulties…i speak spanish fairly fluently, but anything outta the ordinary, like discussing dental work, is outta my league.

i haven’t investigated the dental costs…I’m moving no matter what, so it’ll be what it is, but I’m an EU citizen so idk if that makes a difference or not in the healthcare “world” (does dental work count as healthcare?). It’s just hard to have an accurate picture of stuff from overseas (i’m currently in California) so i thought it’d be best to start investigating when i’m actually *there* to do this stuff? any advice would be greatly appreciated! I couldn’t find anything about dental work on spainexpat

Posted: 19 July 2010 08:02 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  68
Joined  2010-01-25
GoldBabyShriek - 19 July 2010 07:41 AM

well, i don’t have a problem with waiting, i mean it’s only a month. it’s just that i’m concerned about communication difficulties…i speak spanish fairly fluently, but anything outta the ordinary, like discussing dental work, is outta my league.

i haven’t investigated the dental costs…I’m moving no matter what, so it’ll be what it is, but I’m an EU citizen so idk if that makes a difference or not in the healthcare “world” (does dental work count as healthcare?). It’s just hard to have an accurate picture of stuff from overseas (i’m currently in California) so i thought it’d be best to start investigating when i’m actually *there* to do this stuff? any advice would be greatly appreciated! I couldn’t find anything about dental work on spainexpat

Heh, well, it’ll be a real good introduction to life in Spain then. Might as well start somewhere. Bring a mini dictionary with you and have at it.

Dental work is not included in health care. My fianc? had to get a filling earlier this year and - well, that was a tough month for us.
I would not start a dental treatment like this in the US if you’re planning to be in Spain for any serious amount of time soon.

Posted: 19 July 2010 11:17 AM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  192
Joined  2008-03-05

On your arrival in Spain if you are taking out private heath cover add a dental plan to it.If not then you can get dental insurance separately.

Posted: 19 July 2010 09:07 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  23
Joined  2009-12-27

thank you guys for your help.
I’m actually moving permanently. so i suppose sooner or later i *will* have to learn dentist-talk en espanol =P better sooner than later.

any recommendations about private health & dental insurance? anything fairly cheap?

Posted: 19 July 2010 09:46 PM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  68
Joined  2010-01-25

You might want to take out insurance as soon as you arrive. From what I understand, you don’t get medical care until you’re paying into the system. However, Portugal might cover you somehow. I haven’t a clue there…

I have a policy from a company called Mapfre that I love. However, with regards to dental, it only covers “medical dental emergencies” plus one cleaning a year.

Take into account that health insurance in Spain is exponentially cheaper than what you can find in the US. My fianc? just took out a three month policy for what I paid for a one month policy in the US!!!

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