Good computer stores in Barcelona/Girona?
Posted: 27 May 2007 01:18 PM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2007-03-06

Is it just me or do the spanish think pc-city represents the latest in pc gear? I’ve been trying to find some decent hardware stores online and i just can’t do it. Surely there must be a few in a city as big as Barcelona? Preferably some more specialized ones, not the run-of-the-mill places like mediamarkt.

Thankful for any help!

Posted: 02 June 2007 07:58 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2007-05-17


I?ve been looking into buying a new PC for the last few weeks and I think the situation in Spain is better than it was in the UK, certainly as regards Nottingham where I used to live.  As there was such limited choice locally, I purchased my existing PC over the Internet,

I?ve bought some computer magazines and done some research on the Internet as to possible suppliers.  Yes, there is PC City and Mediamarkt and also the retail electrical chains such as Hiper Europa, Miro etc who are not computer specialists.  If you are prepared to buy online there is, of course, always Dell (  If you are looking for a brand name you could look at Kelkoo or Yahoo, Yahoo now uses the Kelkoo database.

I now live 75 km from a major city but even in my small local town, there are at least four small specialist shops operating under franchises.  You won?t find them on the high street, they are tucked away in the back streets.  I give the following four names but there are others.  In no way are they recommendations but they will give you an idea of what is available: -

Ahtec, .  Has a shop on the Gran Via, Barcelona
APP, .Has shops in both the provinces of Barcelona and Girona.
Dynos Informatica, Have 180 shops throughout Spain.
UPI,  Have a number of shops in Barcelona and there is one in Girona at Olot.

All the above also offer the possibility of purchasing online.

What I?ve discovered so far is that there is little variation in price for the same specification.  The advertised price may appear attractive but the offer usually does not include a monitor and quite often, the operating system is also extra.

Posted: 02 June 2007 09:49 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  1682
Joined  2005-12-05

Not FNAC???

And any reason why you’d buy a PC and not a Mac? Trust me, you’d never go back to PC after life with a Mac…


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