a girl moving to spain
Posted: 24 September 2010 12:50 AM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-09-24

im from non eu country ( canada) , thinking abt move to madrid or barcelona end of the yr or early next yr.  i have some savings which will cover me few month living.  and just start learning spanish recently :(

how good my spanish should be if i living in those 2 cities ?
is that possible i may find a job there for the extra money i need?  i been workin at bar for over 7yrs.

and the most important, is that safe area to living if im moving down by myself?

Posted: 28 September 2010 01:16 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  30
Joined  2010-04-25

Like Tumbit said, if you have basic Spanish skills you should just find yourself improving rapidly when you submerse yourself in the language.  If it is Barcelona, I would not worry too much about Catalan, after a while you learn a little bit, and it part of the unique culture that Catalonia has.  Keep practicing but you will be fine once you arrive.

Spain is a relatively safe country, and my experience is more in Barcelona than Madrid, but with all due common sense most crime in the city involves petty theft, etc.  Your biggest considerations with moving to a new country with a different culture should be your working situation and the ability to sustain yourself for a while as Spain’s unemployment level is the worst in Europe and the patience and flexibility it requires to adapt and find your niche to feel at home. 

Best of luck to you.
