First off, kudos to this site. I have been browsing it for days and there seems to be a lot of useful info. that I hope to use if I end up making the big transition.
I have a couple of questions that I was hoping someone who’s knowledgeable about Spain’s immigration policy could help answer or point me in the right direction. I have already asked the local consular offices this question and they haven’t been very helpful. The next step would be to ask an immigration lawyer but I was hoping I could try here first as people on this site seem to be very informed and helpful.
My question is as follows: First off, I am a dual citizen currently living in the US. I was born in Cuba and nationalized citizen of the US. In addition I am a Spainard desendant through great grand parents. According to Spain’s new immigration policy that just went into effect in ‘08 “La Ley de memoria historica” I believe I read somewhere that under the current policy through descendancy I may qualify for citizenship after one year of residency and free of work restrictions. Otherwise being from a Latin American country and former Spanish colony I believe the law states I can qualify for citizenship after two yrs of residency with work restrictions but in this case I would have to go in as a Cuban citizen and not US. Can some please verify this information for me to see if what I read is correct? And secondly would it even be possible for me to go in as a Cuban citizen even though I currently live in the US? Would I be able to handle all the paperwork here in the US or would I need to go to Cuba or rely on Cuba for any of it? Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance for your time.
Lastly, as I understand it I believe this law will only be effective until next year? It was suppose to expire at the end of this year but I believe it was extended.