Cheap National & International calls from Spain
Posted: 20 June 2007 01:31 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2007-06-20

So many people travel over to spain or live permenantly and always find their phone bills become HUGE! now you can check out Calls cost from 2 cents a minute to the UK and no phone card required just an access code, it will work on any spanish phone, landline, contract mobile phones or pay as you go. Check out the website for full details. I think they have a full list of the prices to call various destinations.

I hope this helps someone, as i’ve been in Spain for just over 2 years and have only just found a phone line that suits me.

Posted: 20 June 2007 05:33 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  22
Joined  2007-06-20

I also know of an access number where people in the U.K can call from their UK mobile to Spain for free.

Basically they call an access number which is the same as a UK mobile number so they can use their ‘inclusive minutes’ you then punch in the number of the destination phone and hey presto, you’re connected at no cost to either party (provided the person in the UK has minutes left!).

The access number is;-

07744 78 7221

Why run up your phone bill just so you can get an ear full of how bad the weather is!!!

Easy as that.

Posted: 28 July 2007 06:18 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  22
Joined  2007-02-25

you can call for free to many countries’ landlines (incl. US and UK). and its cheap for cell phones. The only requirement i think is to add 10 euros per 180 days.
And it works AMAZING with their callback feature. I enter my spanish landline number, my friend’s number in US. My phone rings, i pick up - i’m charged 5 cents for connection only, and I talk to my friend for free. If you call from your PC - its free, but hey for 5 cents - to use regular phone, especially wireless - totally worth it!

Here’s a quote from their website.
* Max 300 minutes per week of free calls, measured over the last 7 days and per unique IP address. Unused free minutes cannot be taken to the following week(s). If limit is exceeded the normal rates apply. With your FREE DAYS you can call for free to all the destinations listed as free! when you have no FREE DAYS left the normal rates apply. You can get extra Freedays by buying credit

Posted: 11 May 2010 06:05 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2010-05-10

You might want to try Vonage, a VoIP service (and read all the way to the bottom to see my “word of caution”)

Vonage is available in the U.S., I haven’t seen it in Europe (I’m in Ireland), and it is portable.  So if it isn’t here in Europe you may need to enlist the help of a U.S. friend to get you the service in America.  The Vonage package ( can be purchased directly from the company (and maybe they’ll ship overseas?) or at Wal*Mart.

In a nutshell you get a Vonage modem and a U.S. phone number.  You plug the modem into the internet and your phone into the modem (using a U.S. style jack—Ireland uses the U.S. type phone jack but I had to get an adapter for my BT phone).  then for the flat rate of $25/month (19 Euro) you can call 60 countries (some additional charges apply when calling to cell phones so consult the Vonage list which they update regularly).  You can also get a local number in many countries for which you’d pay an additional $10/month for (7.50 Euro)(again check the Vonage website for availability).  But with that you can call most anyone and your local friends call your local number and they don’t have to pay long distance fees.  Since the modem can handle two lines if you need more lines you pay another $25, choose another U.S. number and you’re off and running.  If you use the second line just for faxing I think there is a discount.

When calling you will have to use the country codes as if you are in the U.S. so 011 + country code + phone number.

With Vonage you get a nice dashboard so you can look at all of your incoming and outgoing calls and you get voice mail two ways.  The first way is that you just call your VM like you’ve got a remote answering machine and listen to your calls or Vonage will forward you a voice file via email that you can listen to on your computer AND they will transcribe the message for you as well so you can read it on the email.

So you get all that and a flat rate so you’re not worrying about all those per minute charges.

I have a US bank account and Vonage simply debits my account every month for the charge.  I’m not sure if they will debit a credit card and am not sure about debiting foreign bank accounts either.

One word of caution.  Since this a a VoIP (voice over internet protocol) phone you need engough bandwidth to make the phone work otherwise the calls break up. You can use and to check the speed of your connections.  I also think there is a similar speedtest somewhere on the Vonage website that will evaluate your bandwidth for you.  Currently in Ireland I have about a 2MB connection and sound quality is great, even while I’m browsing the web.  I called a business contact in Alaska the other day and he said the sound quality was as if I was sitting in the next room!  I’ve used the system hooked into a modem being fed by a “land line” and by a wireless connection as well.  Both worked great.

Posted: 23 October 2010 12:30 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-10-23

There’s quite a lot of information for low cost calls to Spain in this thread..I’m a native of Spain but currently working in Hong Kong..So for all Expats like me i can suggest another option of making low cost calls with good voice clarity by using virtual numbers from VirtualGLobalPhone..What i’m doin is that i’ve purchased a HK virtual number and have forwarded all calls on that number to my family in Spain..So i just end up making another local call to a HK number..The best part is that these HK virtual numbers costs less than 5 USD per month and there’s unlimited free forwarding to Skype/SIP..They also have add-ons like a personalised IVR for your voice mail if your interested for business purposes..You also dont require any other extra hardware or phone cards to use this service and they give u 24/7 online assistance for any technical issues…

Adios !!
