If you are absolutely sure of your facts you will have to get the police involved, either the Guardia Civil or the National Police. You will need to file a report with them in the form of an open denuncia.
You will need copies for yourself and your bank.
From what you have said, you will have to prove that you did not make the withdrawals you refer too.
Your bank statements will show which machines the cash was withdrawn from, the time and the date of the withdrawals. You should present this information to the police at the time you make the report. You should also preferably be able to provide evidence of where you were located at the time of the withdrawals.
As for the banks liability…I don’t know…obviously you should get the card stopped and a new one issued urgently if you haven’t already done this. The banks will not credit any money illegally removed from your account unless the police have been informed and even then its going to be a struggle. Its not just a Spanish thing; most countries have the same rules, especially the UK.
That’s about all I can suggest, but all banking frauds such as this must be reported. The National police have a special department that deals with this kind of thing.