RE: Whats the cheapest and easiest way to call the UK and the USA?!
Posted: 26 February 2007 07:57 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2007-02-26


Just had a mazzive bill from telefonica - 200E+ ouch!! 

So i have done a bit of research. I think the best solution is if i use a dial through provider.

All you need to do with a dial through provider is enter their prefix number and then make your call as normal.

So far i have found two….

Dialabroad - 902 902-952

0044 - 901 900 499

Dialabroad seems to be a bit more expensive i think this is because they use a 902 number rather than a 901 number. However both are really cheap 2c-3.4c with 0044 and 4c-6.7c with Dialabroad.

I ve used both and they seem to work really well. If one gets a bad line i just use the other.

Anyone else got any other suggestions? Let me know if you find anything cheaper - please…..

Thanks for your help.


Posted: 27 February 2007 03:35 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2007-02-21


Don’t know if this is of any use but try the following links, the Skype link don’t know if you have heard of this facility but only useful if you have broadband and of course a computer. Download from the link and follow on screen instructions. You will need a headset with mic to plug into your PC and you can speak for FREE to other Skype users anywhere in the world again if they have broadband and use of a computer and Skype downloaded. You can also call landlines and mobiles around the world using country codes at a cost cheaper than using your telefonica landline. Just have a read of the link website, it is straight forward.

Another option is for the person in the UK to call you if they have a contract mobile phone with free any network minutes they can click th following link and follow instructions

With the yourcallworld link once in the site hit the HOW IT WORKS tab for network availability and costings.

Hope these help if they don’t sorry for wasting your time

Ian F

Posted: 28 February 2007 07:13 PM   [ # 2 ]  
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Joined  2007-02-23

I use a skype on a mobile. Skype is a VOIP, but now it can be used without a PC too. It’s good!

Skype is a VOIP service, but is cheap and easy, easy to use and setup, and with these new gadgets it’s much simple to use skype.
This is the link to thier website.


Posted: 28 May 2007 08:40 PM   [ # 3 ]  
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Joined  2007-05-28

I use to call Spain. Its 3p a minute from landlines but because I have an O2 mobile I can use their access numbers to call my brother in Madrid using my inclusive minutes!

Posted: 12 June 2007 01:05 AM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  156
Joined  2007-06-11

I use a service called VOIPSTUNT,, Basically I can call anywhere in the world PC to PC for free, or I can dial any landline inthe world Free from my PC, but the real top service is a phone to phone call for unlimited time using what they call their direct service, effectively it works thus
You use your PC, on call back page, put in you home number (landline as its free), then put in the number you wish to call (Landline again other wise you pay),
The the System rings your home phone, you then wait a few secs and it rings the other end, you then have a call using the normal phone lines at no charge, only payment is a 5eurocent connection fee, took my bills from 250/300? per month to 10/12? Brilliant!!

I stopped using Skype once I found this as its much much cheaper



Posted: 15 June 2007 09:11 PM   [ # 5 ]  
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Joined  2007-06-12

On a slightly different note I?ve detailed below some information that you might be interested in to do with making changes and saving monies on your telephone calls not just back to the UK but to other countries.

I run a VoIP company back in the UK called WEBBTalk and we offer Expats a service to which family and friends can keep in touch without costing the earth.  See the pricing below

In brief by using VoIP (not Skype or MSN) all your calls would be routed via your broadband connection.  You don’t even need to leave your PC on.  By doing this you can save up to 60% on all your calls and rental costs.  Please see below for more details

? Each month you would have 1000 mins to make calls to 01 & 02 UK Fixed lines. This would cost you ?9.99 - 1p/min to the UK
? Any calls made after the 1000 mins would be charged at 1.1p/min to all 01 & 02 numbers
? All calls made from your number to UK mobile phones would cost 9.9p/min.
? All calls made from your number to 0870 would cost 7.5p/min
? All calls made from your number to 0845 would cost 3.5p/min

Even if you didn’t want to make any calls only to receive you can still register a UK number and family and friends can still call you

This even works for those who have family living in another country outside of the UK

Please visit my website at for more details or you can email me at



Kind regards,

Dave Webb
Webbs Support Services Ltd

Tel: +44 (01706) 508151

Posted: 10 December 2007 11:32 PM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2007-12-05

I recently signed up to a company called Citrus Red SL.
They can take over your call costs on your Telefonica landline, with no hassles of pre-fixes.
You can call the UK, Canada, USA and pretty much ALL European countries for 3.25 cents per minute peak time and 1.99 cents off peak time (including weekends), with no connection fees on all your calls, no admin fees, no yearly subscriptions or any other hidden fees.
They can also set up a UK number to your phone so friends and family in the UK can call you here in Spain for 2.5 pence per minute with no charge to you the customer.
The service is great too as they are all English !!

I have the number for the agent, give him a call and he can brief you on costing and how to set it up etc (he?s a really helpful bloke!!).
Spain number ? 666 721 444
UK number - 0844 598 6141

Posted: 11 December 2007 03:03 PM   [ # 7 ]  
Total Posts:  90
Joined  2007-12-02

Hi Mike,

I’ve got a question about I’m a bit confused since after registering with them i received an email as follows:

You can now make FREE calls to several countries. These calls are limited to 1 minute per call.

If you want UNLIMITED calls to our FREE destinations please go to our website and buy credit.
Click here to go to our website:

I’m confused about why i need to buy credit for UNLIMITED calls since i will only be calling the FREE destinations. I’ve looked in the FAQ but it’s not really explained… They state on their webpage “100% Free*, no call setup!” Is it the case that they charge 5cents for the call when it is over 1 minute long?


In it for the long haul

Posted: 11 December 2007 07:09 PM   [ # 8 ]  
Just Landed
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If you have a computer, Skype is the cheapest as it is free if you call to another computer.

Posted: 11 December 2007 07:22 PM   [ # 9 ]  
Total Posts:  90
Joined  2007-12-02

i’m already a skype user, but my old frail parents in England aren’t so i use SkypeOut but with their elderly hearing the quality is sometimes so bad, so i’m looking at other options….


In it for the long haul

Posted: 12 December 2007 01:22 AM   [ # 10 ]  
Total Posts:  156
Joined  2007-06-11

without a doubt the VoipStunt is cheap, the Callback feature is unique and I have spent hours on the phone to USA, Dubai, Australia, and the UK, for only 5c connection charge, I have tried SKYPE, and have Citrusred S.L. but in my view they cant touch, service is good,
I usually put on 10? credit, which lasts 120days,  for unlimited calls, unlimited time,  you will need a broadband connection, but I even use it to connect my children, one in Oz and the other in Uk, by putting in their numbers and dialling for them on the Phone to Phone service. The system then dials one number and then the other. Brilliant



Posted: 06 September 2008 03:24 PM   [ # 11 ]  
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Joined  2008-09-06

I use to call Spain when I’m in the UK.  It costs me 1.5p a minute.

Posted: 19 September 2008 05:44 PM   [ # 12 ]  
Total Posts:  57
Joined  2008-09-02

I use Its free to call to landline and mobile phone in USA and to landline phone in UK. The system connects your phones, either landline or mobile, so you speak as during normal telephone conversation with a excellent connection quality.
