Steve Hi;
Not aware of any problems doing it this was but refer to website under the ‘Tramites and Multas’ section for changing ownership. The onus is on you to effect the transfer.
Google translation of the referring section reads as follows;
If you purchased a vehicle, it must register your name in the Registry of Motor Vehicles General Traffic Directorate.
a) si has adquirido el veh?culo en un compraventa, es ?ste el que normalmente se encargar? de efectuar la gesti?n, haci?ndote entrega de la Tarjeta de Inspecci?n T?cnica del Veh?culo y del permiso de circulaci?n ya a tu nombre. a) If you purchased the vehicle in a sale, this is the one usually responsible for carrying out the management, making delivery of the Technical Inspection Card and Vehicle Registration Certificate and your name.
b) si has adquirido el veh?culo a un particular, recuerda que debes quedarte con el contrato de compraventa o una fotocopia del mismo, una fotocopia del documento de identidad del vendedor, la solicitud de cambio de titularidad del veh?culo firmada por comprador y vendedor, y la documentaci?n del veh?culo (Tarjeta ITV, permiso de circulaci?n y recibo del impuesto municipal pagado correspondiente al a?o anterior al tr?mite), (tr?mite de transmisi?n del veh?culo). b) if you purchased your vehicle from a private, remember that you must stay with the contract of sale or a photocopy of a photocopy of the identity of the seller, the request for change of ownership of the vehicle signed by buyer and seller, and documentation of the vehicle (ITV card, registration certificate and receipt of municipal tax paid the previous year to process), (process of transmission of the vehicle).
A continuaci?n debes efectuar los siguientes pasos: Then you must follow these steps:
1.- abonar el impuesto de transmisiones patrimoniales (modelo 620) ante Hacienda de tu Comunidad Aut?noma, aportando toda la documentaci?n anterior. 1 .- pay the transfer tax (model 620) to Finance your autonomous region, providing all the above documentation. Este tr?mite puedes efectuarlo por Internet si tu domicilio fiscal se encuentra en Andaluc?a y Asturias. This procedure can be done online if your tax home is in Andalusia and Asturias. En este caso obtendr?s un C?digo Electr?nico de Transferencias (CET) que te servir? para acreditar que has cumplido tu obligaci?n fiscal. In this case you will get a Code Electronic Transfers (CET) that will serve to show that you have fulfilled your tax obligation.
2.- dir?gete a cualquiera de estas tres Jefaturas de Tr?fico: la de tu domicilio, la del domicilio del vendedor o la de la provincia de matriculaci?n del veh?culo. 2 .- go to any of the three Chiefs of traffic: the one in your home, the domicile of the seller or the province of registration of the vehicle.
3.- abonar las tasas y aportar toda la documentaci?n necesaria para efectuar el tr?mite (nota informativa de la documentaci?n). 3 .- pay fees and provide all documentation necessary to effect the process (note the documentation)....
The A plate does indeed indicate Alicante but you need to go to the Hacienda in Palma to arrange the payment of tax and the transfer to your address.
Since the vehicle is pre 2001 make sure the ITV cert is valid too.
Hope this helps a little.