Don’t mind admitting this, but apart from buying a house and overseeing its renovation and budgeting monthly expenses I have no trading experience whatsoever here in Spain.
What I can comment knowledgeably about however are the simple logistics of things out here.
Beware some Brits; there are a hell of a lot of rip-off merchants out here who will promise the earth and give you nothing but grief once you have handed over cash…
Beware some Spaniards; ditto…
Everything takes time…
Everything costs…usually far more than you can anticipate.
If you cannot speak Spanish your problems are made worse by the simplest of misunderstandings; dealing with Spanish officialdom requires a working knowledge of Spanish as it is spoken in Andalucia… not the same language as one can learn from books…and a great deal of patiience
With the current economical situation in Spain and indeed throughout Southern Europe, starting a business with borrowed money is might I suggest a little hazarous…