Student Visas—-> Work Resident Permit loop hole?
Posted: 19 January 2011 12:18 PM  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2010-12-24

I’m researching what appears to be a loop hole in coming into Spain on a Student Visa and then eventually being eliable for Work Resident Permit and would like to hear your experience. (I’m trying to eventually be able to legally work in Spain without waiting here in the US for someone to “magically” want to sponsor me.

A few questions:

1)Will a “acceptance letter” for you’re non-EU students from the USA be accepted by the Spanish consulate if it is written from a smaller “escuela oficial de idiomas” (Spanish public schools) or do I need to sign up for with a larger Universities’ packaged “study abroad” programs?

2)I’ve talked to students in Spain and my Spanish consulate here in Los Angeles and I’m getting conflicting information on a issue. Normally, from what I understand, the Spanish consulate requires that a foreign student be enrolled in 20+ hours a week of classes/180+ days a year. However some students in Spain have said that they know people who have signed up for smaller “escuela oficial de idiomas” (Spanish public schools) and said as long as you go to school 180+ days a year and take classe(s) 5 days a week, you are considered a full time student and will be accepted for a student visa even if that doesn’t total to 20hrs a week. Is this true for the escula oficial de idiomas system?

3)I’m also getting conflicting information about a particular point. Is the following true or not: “You can enter Spain on a student visa and after the 3rd year/upon renewal of your 4th year as a student, an employer can apply for your working resident permit without taking into consideration the INEM catalog requirements and without you having to go back to the USA.”

Any info, success stories or experience on these 3 questions would be incredibly helpful. Thank you very much!

Posted: 05 February 2011 04:22 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  453
Joined  2008-12-30

this link might make things look brighter:

check it out before it disappears.
