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you should read this if you are an american applying for an NIE as a nonEU spouse
Posted: 27 January 2011 02:05 AM  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  13
Joined  2010-06-26

I wrote this to vent but you should know all the documentation you need before going in… it will save you a lot of headache.

good luck!

Applying for Residency in Spain as a non-EU Spouse (specific for Americans, but maybe useful for others):
You did it, you and your spouse moved to Spain. Now what? Well you are in luck if you have a residency card someplace else in the EU, I have no clue what that process is, but I have heard it is easier. However, if you are like me, and were married in the states then brace yourself for a paperwork roller coaster. I had a lot of help from other people I know who are married to EU citizens. Here are some tips to help you along. Oh it is also worth mentioning that I read that they no longer issue visas for spouses in Spain you have to go through the residency process. This information is recent as of January 2011.
The absolute first thing you have to do is register your marriage with the EU country where your spouse is from. Where you do this (and how long it takes) varies per country and it cannot be done at an embassy it has to be sent to the actual county. This will require your spouse?s birth certificate, your birth certificate with and Apostil stamp, and copies of both your passports. You also have to fill out an official request of course. If you are American like I am, the Apostil stamp can only be issued by the state that created the document. So if you live in Ohio but were born in Florida, it has to come from Florida, wherever the Secretary of State is located in that state. In the case of the Netherlands, the copies of the birth certificates cannot be older than 6 months. Most EU countries issue marriage certificated that are already in multiple languages, if yours is not, you have to have it translated.
Also at the top of the list is registering you and your spouse with City Hall (Empadronamiento). Where you need to go depends on the district you live in. For this you have to have:
Your lease (in Spanish)
If you have children you need an Apostilled copy of their birth certificate (and pray that they don?t ask that it is translated, they just need something saying you are the child?s parents).
Your passports
Spouse?s NIE
They should be able to print the document for you right then and there. Once you have the registrations, make several copies of this you need at least 3, 2 for the government and 1 for yourself.
Around the same time go onto http://www.mpr.es and make an appointment with ?Servicio de Cita Previa? you will need to select ?RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR RELATIVES OF EU NATIONALS? (tarjeta de residencia de familiar de ciudadano de la Uni?n)
You will go to the Oficina de Extranjeros located at: MURCIA 42 BARCELONA 08027
The appointment is usually made 3-4 weeks out, you probably won?t have your marriage certificate but you can take all of your other documents with you and get the application process rolling. Be prepared to wait for an hour and for the place to be swamped.
The documents you should have are:
Both passports (obviously)
Your spouse?s NIE document (no longer a card), plus copy
Work contract if you have it (just in case)
A completed EX16 form, Download form EX 16
2 copies of both you and your spouse?s passports
The marriage certificate from your EU spouse?s country (apparently this cannot be older than 3 months)
A copy of both of your registrations with city hall (Empadronamientos)
Three passport-sized photographs in color.

You will leave with a paper listing the missing documents needed for your application (hopefully none). If you are missing some of the documents you can return to the Oficina de Extranjeros any time once you have them in order. You don?t need an appointment but be prepared to wait at least a half hour. The office is open 9-5.
After this visit, they will issue you a letter saying your application is complete and you will have to go to the next step (no it isn?t picking up your residency card, that would make too much sense), which is going to the Police Station 2 weeks after all your documents are in. It is called the Comisaria de Barcelona-Balmes, located on the corner of Calle Guadalajara and Calle Bosch.  You will know you are there because there will be a bunch of other immigrants wandering around looking confused. It is located on a really small insignificant side street, but don?t fear you are in the right place!
You will need:
The letter from the Oficina de Extranjeros
3 recent passport sized pictures
Your registration with City Hall
As always be prepared to wait, the police at the guard post will direct you where to go. Don?t let them send you around the corner, you have to be there. Once you get a live person, it goes quickly. They give you a slip to take to a different office where you will pick up your actual card. I was confused, and went there right away, but you can?t pick up the actual card until one month after the Comisaria grants it. They also give you a form to take to your bank where you need to transfer 10 Euro to the Police. This is called a Modelo 790, and I have seen it mentioned elsewhere saying you should complete it before going. Unfortunately there is no way for you to get this form in advance because it is a carbon copy. Oh and another joyous tidbit about this form, all of the banks within blocks of the Comisaria only process these forms between 9 and 10:30. Which is next to impossible to get done due to the long wait at the station. The good news is that you have a month to make the transfer before you have to go pick up your card. The office where your card is located is:
Calle Mallorca 213. The wait is short once you get there?
Finally, hop on one foot, pat your tummy clockwise, while holding your nose, and counting backwards from 100?..

Posted: 07 February 2011 02:28 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  16
Joined  2009-10-09

im going to malaga to get this done with my spanish wife on the 8th, so ill see how it goes… and then get back to you, if anything has changed and i have to go back to canada, man that would suck…

Posted: 08 February 2011 03:13 PM   [ # 2 ]  
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Joined  2011-02-08
ml02kr - 07 February 2011 02:28 AM

im going to malaga to get this done with my spanish wife on the 8th, so ill see how it goes… and then get back to you, if anything has changed and i have to go back to canada, man that would suck…

Please post how it goes for you today.  I?m from the US and we (my Spanish wife and child) plan to move to Spain soon. We?re all registered in her Libro de Familia, but I?m worried that the rest of the paperwork (initial visa and NIE) might not be so simple.  Thank you!

Posted: 08 February 2011 10:31 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  16
Joined  2009-10-09

where will you being doing it? because each province is different; i will post what happened pronto

Posted: 09 February 2011 01:58 AM   [ # 4 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  16
Joined  2009-10-09

alright, here we go:

First off like i said i did it in Malaga, this is the province i live in, and the capital as well.

the first thing i was told to do was to register in your local city for me that is fuengirola, you don’t need anything just a passport and your wife needs to be in the system, registered in that city; go to the city hall, and register then you pick it up the next day just a certificate (consulate failed to mention this)

next i booked an appointment on MPT.es that site find your region and book your appointment to go to the capital of your province where ever that may be.  For me the appointment was booked 4 weeks in advance.

Now the consulate in Toronto prepared me to bring such things as: Police Clearance, Medical Report, etc… where i went, i didnt need it, my wife’s friend said in other cities it is different, you need those things but in Malaga all i needed was:

- the original registration form from your city (in spain)
- one passport photo (i would bring 3-4 just in case)
- 2 forms filled out the EX16 form to apply for residency
- a copy of my wife’s identifcation (EU one)
- I had to completely photocopy my whole passport every page (this was the only thing i wasnt prepared for, and most other people there had the same problem, but u go down the street photocopy it and quickly go back)
- and of course the kinship showing your relationship to your wife (libro de familia) with a copy of the marriage certificate stapled to the back, authorized by the consulate and he/she takes that

i cannot stress it enough, this was Malaga so if it can be different in other provinces, i am sure most people forget to register in there city, and we wouldnt have done that had we not been told about it by a friend.  you get a temporary NIE number and they mail it out to your address, the actual card i believe ill know when i get it

adios and good luck

PS cannot attach the ex16 sheet it is too large, i am sure you can find it online, like i did

Posted: 02 March 2011 10:32 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2011-02-17

Sonita, thanks so much for the detailed explanation - this has been very helpful so far. I am in BCN and halfway through this process, now just waiting for my dang appointment at the calle Murcia office.

I have a couple of questions for you, though. First, did you and your spouse both have to be at the appointment?

I have actually had trouble making the correct appointment - I’m not sure if I need “Comunitarios” or “regrupacion familiar”. The police station said regrupacion familiar is for children, though I have read elsewhere it is for spouses too. 

Second, after your visit to to Calle Murcia, did you receive any documentation with your actual NIE on it (like a temporary before the card came)?


Posted: 03 March 2011 07:39 AM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2010-11-18



Hi, I am basically in the middle of the process also, but I think I have an answer for you. I am an American, married to a French citizen, who is a Spanish resident; we live in Barcelona also. I arrive next Wednesday, but my husband is already there.  I emailed the oficina de extranjeros about a month ago and I was pleasantly surprise by a REALLY comprehensive response. I explained to them my exact situation and they said that I would need to choose the “comunitarios” option.
I am going to paste the email that they sent to me, even though it is LONG, because I think it may be able to help someone… of course it is in Spanish. Hopefully anyone needing help speaks Spanish or at least their partner does and can translate it 😊

My question:
“Buenos Dias,

Me gustar?a pedir una cita previa para pedir un visado y una tarjeta de residencia por reagrupaci?n familiar de c?nyuge ciudadano comunitario pero he o?do que la cita actual pueda tardar una semanas despu?s de pedirla. Tiene usted un idea de cuanto tarda una cita en este momento si la pido por internet ahora? 
Tambien, despues que tener la cita que documentos tendremos que llevar a la cita. Soy Americana y mi marido es Frances, el trabaja y lleva a?os vivir en Barcelona. Nos casamos en EEUU y registramos el matrimonio en el consulado Frances en EEUU para que reconozca en Francia y La EU.

Muchissima gracias por su ayuda”
I will post their response in another thread because it is too long to post in 1.

Posted: 03 March 2011 07:40 AM   [ # 7 ]  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2010-11-18



En contestaci?n a la consulta incluida en su e-mail citado al final, mediante el que solicita informaci?n para obtenci?n de Tarjeta de residencia de familiar no comunitario de ciudadano de la Uni?n, le comunicamos, con car?cter meramente informativo, lo siguiente:


* *

Para presentar la solicitud ante esta Oficina, los familiares de ciudadano de la Uni?n deben estar ya empadronados en la provincia de Barcelona (para cualquier informaci?n en relaci?n al empadronamiento, dir?janse al ayuntamiento de su localidad de residencia).

Una vez empadronado, cada familiar tramitar? la solicitud ante esta Oficina de Extranjeros de Barcelona, aportando la documentaci?n y siguiendo el procedimiento indicado en la hoja informativa n?mero 48 de esta Oficina. La presentaci?n de la solicitud se hace personalmente en esta Oficina, CON CITA PREVIA.

La presentaci?n de la solicitud implica que el ciudadano de la Uni?n que da el derecho, reside en Espa?a. Si este ciudadano de la Uni?n no es espa?ol, debe por lo tanto disponer de tarjeta de residente comunitario (documento a extinguir) o de certificado de registro de ciudadano de la Uni?n. En caso de no tener el ciudadano de la Uni?n uno de estos documentos, debe primero solicitar un certificado de registro, aportando la documentaci?n y siguiendo el procedimiento indicado en la hoja informativa n?mero 46 de esta Oficina.

La presentaci?n de la solicitud implica asimismo que el familiar no comunitario de ciudadano de la Uni?n se encuentra en Espa?a, ya empadronado, y dispone de documentaci?n necesaria para acreditar su v?nculo de parentesco con el ciudadano de la Uni?n. Importante: los documentos extranjeros de v?nculo de parentesco pueden necesitar ser traducidos y/o legalizados. En relaci?n al procedimiento de traducci?n y legalizaci?n, vea la hoja informativa n?mero 37 de esta Oficina.


La presentaci?n de la solicitud, con cita previa, es PERSONAL por parte del familiar no comunitario (aunque con car?cter general, las solicitudes a favor de menores de edad las podr? presentar el representante legal (padre / madre / tutor) del menor). Este tr?mite no es delegable en terceras personas.

No es necesario que el d?a de la cita comparezca el ciudadano de la Uni?n que da el derecho, pero debe aportarse toda la documentaci?n completa, original y copia, que figura en la hoja informativa 48.

Posted: 03 March 2011 07:40 AM   [ # 8 ]  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2010-11-18



Todas las hojas informativas que relacionan los requisitos y documentaci?n necesarios para presentar solicitudes ante esta Oficina est?n disponibles en varios sitios web, entre otros:



http://www.associacioamic.com/documentos.php?idioma=1&idCat=1 <http://www.associacioamic.com/documentos.php?idioma=1&idCat=1>

O en los sitios web de los Colegios Profesionales (abogados, graduados sociales, etc?) de Barcelona. Nota: Los sitios web anteriormente mencionados no son p?ginas oficiales de la Oficina de Extranjeros de Barcelona, no obstante, las hojas informativas que contienen s? han sido suministradas a dichos sitios por la Oficina de Extranjeros de Barcelona.


El modelo oficial de solicitud Ex-16 (que es gratuito) adecuado para ?ste tr?mite, est? disponible (y Vd. puede descargarlo o imprimirlo), por ejemplo, desde el siguiente enlace:


Todos los modelos oficiales de solicitud est?n disponibles en


En el modelo oficial de solicitud *Ex-16*, solamente hace falta rellenar los datos del solicitante y los datos del familiar comunitario que da derecho a la solicitud. No hace falta marcar el tipo de solicitud, dato que marcar? el funcionario que les atienda el d?a de su cita.


Para presentar la solicitud necesita concertar cita previamente. Pida cita s?lo cuando disponga ya de la documentaci?n completa mencionada en la hoja informativa 48.

Debe solicitar la cita por internet, desde el sitio web

http://www.mpt.es <http://www.mpt.es>

(click en ?Extranjer?a?, ?Cita previa de extranjer?a?, seleccione provincia ?Barcelona? y tipo de tr?mite ?COMUNITARIOS?).

Posted: 03 March 2011 07:42 AM   [ # 9 ]  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2010-11-18



La tarjeta de residencia de familiar de ciudadano de la Uni?n es un documento que permite la residencia (y trabajo ?en su caso-) en Espa?a de los familiares de nacionalidad no comunitaria de los ciudadanos de la Uni?n.

Pueden obtener esta tarjeta:

a) El c?nyuge del ciudadano de la Uni?n (salvo que haya separaci?n de derecho o divorcio). Dicho matrimonio debe ser reconocido por, y estar inscrito en el Registro Civil del estado de la Uni?n del cual sea nacional el c?nyuge comunitario.

b) La pareja de hecho del ciudadano de la Uni?n (s?lo si puede acreditar dicha situaci?n de pareja de hecho con una certificaci?n expedida por el ?rgano encargado del correspondiente registro p?blico establecido a estos efectos en un Estado miembro de la Uni?n) y con una antelaci?n m?xima de 3 meses a la fecha de presentaci?n de la solicitud y siempre que no se haya cancelado dicha inscripci?n, lo que deber? ser suficientemente acreditado.


* *

*- Es necesario tener un visado espec?fico para presentar este tipo de solicitud?:*

No. Actualmente, para iniciar este procedimiento, el familiar no comunitario de ciudadano de la Uni?n que desee vivir en Espa?a, no necesita disponer de visado de residencia. No obstante, si el familiar no comunitario se encuentra actualmente en un Estado con el que no exista acuerdo de supresi?n de visados de entrada en la Uni?n Europea, para poder entrar en Espa?a y posteriormente solicitar ante esta Oficina la tarjeta de residencia, deber? primero dirigirse al consulado espa?ol m?s cercano en su pa?s de residencia, para solicitar y obtener un visado que le permita la entrada en Espa?a.

*- Es necesario pagar alguna tasa para presentar este tipo de solicitud?:*

* *

No. No necesita pagar ninguna tasa para presentar esta solicitud (y por lo tanto, no necesita tener ning?n modelo de pago de tasas para el d?a que vaya (con cita previa) a la Oficina de Extranjeros a presentar la solicitud. Si, en su caso, fuera necesario pagar alguna tasa posteriormente, (para realizar los tr?mites de expedici?n de la tarjeta de identidad de extranjero), le dar?n en la Oficina de Extranjeros los modelos de pago de tasas adecuados, una vez haya iniciado el expediente.

*- Es necesario tener un NIE para presentar este tipo de solicitud?:*

No. Para presentar la solicitud no es necesario tener asignado un NIE previamente. El NIE es un n?mero de identificaci?n personal, que se asignar? al solicitante cuando se conceda la tarjeta de residencia que solicita.

*- Cual es la duraci?n de esta tarjeta de residencia?:*

En caso de ser concedida, la tarjeta de residencia tendr? una validez de 5 a?os, debiendo renovarse a su caducidad. Si una vez concedida la tarjeta, variasen las circunstancias que llevaron a su concesi?n, su titular tiene la obligaci?n de comunicar dicha variaci?n de circunstancias a esta Oficina, y, si procede, a solicitar la modificaci?n de su situaci?n de r?gimen comunitario a r?gimen general.

En caso de c?nyuges, antes de solicitar la tarjeta de residencia, el matrimonio deber? figurar inscrito en el Registro Civil correspondiente al estado del que sea nacional el titular que genera el derecho al trato comunitario, debiendo aportar:

a) Si uno de los c?nyuges es espa?ol, o si el matrimonio se ha celebrado en Espa?a: *certificado literal de matrimonio *expedido por el Registro Civil espa?ol, con una antig?edad no superior a tres meses.

b) Si ninguno de los c?nyuges es espa?ol y el matrimonio no se ha celebrado en Espa?a: *certificado de matrimonio*, expedido por el Registro Civil del estado del que sea nacional el c?nyuge comunitario, con una antig?edad no superior a tres meses.

Los documentos espa?oles de v?nculo de parentesco no requieren legalizaci?n, pero recuerde que los documentos extranjeros de v?nculo de parentesco s? pueden necesitar ser traducidos y/o legalizados. En relaci?n al procedimiento de traducci?n y legalizaci?n, vea la hoja informativa n?mero 37 de esta Oficina.

Posted: 03 March 2011 07:44 AM   [ # 10 ]  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2010-11-18

Basically incredible from a Spanish governmental agency, it actually gave me a lot of hope towards this process.  I hope this helps others 😊


Posted: 03 March 2011 03:18 PM   [ # 11 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  13
Joined  2010-06-26

The process is not terrible, it is just a lot of running around and they aren’t very clear about one teeny tiny (HUGE) fact: If you were married in the US (Or any other country that is not your EU spouse’s) you have to have a marriage certificate from the EU country that your spouse is from. I had our US certificate Apostile Stamped and they said even if it was translated they would not accept it. I know some people who are still waiting for this little piece of paper because their spouses country is taking forever. Holland said they could take up to 3 months, but thankfully it was more like 6 weeks. No number will be issued until you have that document.

@Pnut, I took all of my paper work in with my husband on the first visit. I made the appointment through their site as described, it is always 4 weeks out from what I have heard. At that visit they printed out a paper saying what was missing (for me it was the empadrioment and the marriage registration with Holland). After you have that paper you can go back any time without an appointment to bring in your remaining paperwork, my husband wasn’t with me at this time and that didn’t seem to be an issue. Once your paperwork is in they do issue you a NIE number. It will be on the letter the C/ Murcia office gives you to take to the police station (I didn’t see this until later, but low and behold there it was). 3 weeks after that you take the other stuff to the police station, then you pay, then a month after that visit you can pick up your card (at yet another office).

It was an annoying process but I had a card within 3-4 months after starting the process (picked it up yesterday actually). Considering in the US, the green card process is insane (night calls, quizes about the spouses etc) I guess I can’t complain too much.

Posted: 03 March 2011 04:04 PM   [ # 12 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  13
Joined  2010-06-26

PS, yes ?Comunitarios? 😊

Posted: 03 March 2011 04:08 PM   [ # 13 ]  
Just Landed
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Joined  2010-06-26

PPS, for registering the marriage in the EU country, the Dutch consulate said they could not do it for us (all countries are different), they seemed to think it was a strange thing to ask for. I actually had to send all of the paperwork to a specific in province in Holland that processes overseas marriages (if you live there you do it in the province you live in). The consulate had no idea what to tell me for registering the marriage so I found out the info online (Once I found the right office, they too could not understand why I needed this, it seems to be exclusive to Spain).

Posted: 03 March 2011 07:58 PM   [ # 14 ]  
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luckily the French Consulate knew what I would need when I asked them “how can I prove to Spain that our marriage is recognized by France?” 😛 The lady at the French Consulate in NY was VERY nice and understanding, luckily. In France they basically have the same thing that they have in Spain, the “family book” (eng), “libro de familia” (sp), and “livret de famille” (fr). I am waiting on this right now, they said it would only take 2 weeks.I have learned that France is pretty efficient with paperwork, thank goodness!
My question is… did you have to have your Dutch marriage certificate apostilled??

Thank you!!

Posted: 03 March 2011 08:11 PM   [ # 15 ]  
Total Posts:  44
Joined  2007-02-12

Bureaucracy is a well ensconced tradition in Spain. Everything official can be long and complicated or fairly simple depending on your situation, who you know, and your luck with how the functionary you are facing sees you and your ethnicity, country of origin, age, sexual identity, economic status, etc, and the list goes on.

My experience is that the law in Spain is whatever the bureaucrat you are in front of is telling you it is. They can say anything they want and they are not likely to get so much as a reprimand for telling bold faced lies or denying anyone their rights.

The main thing that I discovered is that nothing succeeds here like calm and steady persistence. They soon start to realize that you are not going away and that the only way they can stop having to deal with you is to help you get what you are asking for. Eventually you will get what you need as long as you follow instructions and don?t give up.

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