no I did not see them here I found them through an article. Not sure but it was about regulating offshore IFAs if they do QROPS transfers. I checked them out. Found they have been around since tail end of 90s. Realy nice people to deal with. They did not try to sell a QROPS transfer to me. Had my pension statement off me then did some calculations and sent me a report. The report showed that by age 65 the QROPS transfer would knok the socks off what I would get from my UK pension.
About my investments I am not sure what I am in. But to be honest I do not realy care all I know is that the total value is going up nicely thank you very much. As you will know. OIIA are also a Portfolio Management company. But as my transfer value was only ?55,000 they offered portfolio management for free. So it is being well looked after. The last valuatiion I had off them it was valued at around ?64,000.
Prior to the QROPS transfer the value had gone down year after year for about three years. With still ten years or so to retirement if they keep this up it will be happy days…..................