My friend had to do the same thing. She had her degree apostille or diploma apostille for Spain and the FBI background check apostille. She was in Spain, so she sent it to Apostille Pros
and they took care of the apostille for her and sent it to Spain. The day they receive her documents is the day they have it apostille. It took 2-3 business days to get to Spain because they shipped it FedEx Priority International.
She’s currently in Madrid, Spain.
sagargparikh - 02 March 2011 10:23 PM
I just received my US background check from the FBI and it came with an official seal and signature. I am applying for residency in Spain and can’t figure out if the apostille is needed in addition to the official seal. I am currently in Spain and if an apostille is needed, what is the process and where can it be acquired within Spain?? Anyone have any info??