Moving to Aguilas Area with dog
Posted: 12 April 2011 03:37 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-04-12

Hello to everyone

We are planning to move to Aguilas and we will be taking our dog with us.  Howver we are very worried about this because we have a number of leaflets (given to us by our vet in the UK) about leishmaniasis, heartworm, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis and hepatozoonosis carried by sandflies, mosquitoes and ticks.  Our vet has recommended using Advantix to repel them.  Can you please help us as we do not want anything to happen to our dog? We have a number of questions:

1. Do you have a dog and if so how do you prevent the above?
2. How successful has the prevention been?
3. Can anyone recommend a good vet in the Aguilas area?
4. Can anyone recommend a good kennels in the Aguilas area?
5. We have also read about the processionary caterpillar.  Has anyone had a problem with this?

Posted: 12 April 2011 04:16 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  192
Joined  2008-03-05

Before your dog travels put on a scalibor collar,this will repell 99% of mossi and sandflies.Do not let you dog sleep out side at night as the nasties are out from midnight till 6am.This information was given to me by my vet in spain and mine were fine.Were the caterpillars are concerned i just kept my 2 away from them.
Sorry cant help with other matters good luck.

Posted: 12 April 2011 07:46 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  818
Joined  2006-06-15

Your UK vet has advised you well. Yes these diseases are present in Spain but a normally well cared for animal should have no problems.

Scalibor collars are available from all good vets.

Processional caterpillars are only a problem between March and early May and only in pine forest areas.

An additional problem that we encountered for the first time yesterday is bee and / or wasp stings. One of our dogs was stung yesterday evening and within an hour her right cheek had swelled up to the point were she could scarcely open her mouth. A quick trip to our vet for an anti inflammatory shot and antihistamine shot. By midnight she was pretty well back to normal. Cost of the shots and consultation just 10 euros…

Talking of vets heres a link from yellow pages for Spain covering the Aguilas area.

Spanish vets are on a par with UK vets but generally their charges are much less.

In case Spanish is not one of your strong points here is a tip if you need to visit a vet…

Use Google translate, make a list of all the symptoms of the problem and the circumstances pertaining when the problem arose. Print off the translation. Ask the vet to write down his suggestions (Escribir su sugarencias) so that if you have a problem understanding you can use key words through Google translate.

Generally speaking its just a case of watching out for the care and welfare of the dog.

Good Luck with the move.



Help desperately needed
